POWERFUL IN-STUDIO INTERVIEW: General Michael Flynn Joins Alex Jones To Warn The World About The Rapid Escalation Toward Nuclear War Between The West and Russia!
BREAKING: High-Level Sources Say By Feb. 20th NATO Wants To Be OFFICIALLY At War With Russia, As Globalists Launch Massive Military Destabilization Campaigns in Syria, Romania, and Georgia—Threatening To Engulf The World in TOTAL War!
The ‘Plus Ultra’ Secret Society, Their Beautiful (But Perverse) World’s Fairs—and Their FULL Double Grooved Disney LP Record with it’s Hidden Message, the Secret Space Program, and Tartaria—Torn Down Via Cover-Up Through “World’s Fairs”.
Where We Are, and Where We Go From Here! — World Banker, Karen Hudes, on the Secret [Secondary U.S. Constitution] We've Been Functioning Under Since 1871. | Next News Network