Satan | Where Does Satan Dwell? Why Are the United Nations, the World Health Organization, GAVI (The Global Alliance for Vaccines & Immunizations), And the World Economic Forum All Based In Switzerland? Revelation 9-11 & Revelation 2-13
HIS GLORY | The Founder of HIS GLORY Dave Scarlett | Are CBDCs Around the Corner? Why Do Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, Stanford, Harvard & the Mainstream Media Celebrate Yuval Noah Harari? Are We Living Through the Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy?
The Great Reset | "Are You Ready for the New World Order?"- Becky Anderson | "We Are About to Abandon the Traditional System of Money And Introduce a New One." - Pippa Malmgren (Special Assistant to the President George W. Bush)
Robin Bullock | "AI Will Become the Voice of the Prophet to the Church. This Is What Chips And Neural Implants Will Accomplish. Those Who Take a Chip Will Hear the Voice of the False Prophet Through the A.I. Programs. BEWARE."
Mel Gibson | Jim Caviezel & Gibson to Expose $34 Billion Child-Sex Trafficking & Adrenochrome Industry (Airline Industry Is a $22 Billion Industry) | "No Matter How Strong You Are, You Are Going to Be Affected By This Place (Hollywood)"
Jonathan Cahn | The 3 Demonic Spirits That Have Now Returned to America | Return of the Gods (Understanding the Dark Trinity of Baal, Ashtaroth & Molech)