Andy Schectman | 10 FACTS About the BRICS-Lead Financial Great Reset In 30 Minutes? Why Has Gold Gone from $444 Per Oz. In 2005 to $2,400 Per Oz. In 2024? Why Are 98% of Earth’s Countries Developing CBDCs?
Petrodollar | Petrodollar Is Over | Saudi Arabia Ends Petrodollar: What It Means for the Price of Gold (6/10/24) + "Russians Said Its Currency Is Going to Be Gold Backed." - Bannon + "Gold May Exceed $27,000 Per Ounce." - Rickards
Castration | Is America Being Financially Castrated with a Chainsaw? Saudi's End Petrodollar: What It Means for Gold Price (6/10/24) + "Russians Said Its Currency Is Going to Be Gold Backed." - Bannon $27,000 Per Ounce Gold?
De-Dollarization | Why Did Add a Dollar Supply Countdown Feature That's Currently On Pace to Be Completely Depleted By Oct 8th 2023? Why Has USDebtClock.Org Updated to Read "Dollar to Gold Ratio Is Now $0 Per Once"?