9 months agoS02 Episode 6: Lost Empire of Tartaria Ft: Scott aka Biz from the Business Party PodcastSpeakInCOAD
2 years agoSpeakInC.O.A.D. Episode #3 Part 1: Predicting The Future with Predictive ProgrammingSpeakInCOAD
1 year agoEpisode #11 Part 1 of 2: Symbolism Basics in Music, Art, TV, Movies, Freemasons, & Lebronathon GagaSpeakInCOAD
1 year agoEpisode #14: TBD Watches a Playdough Pizza Contest Pt 2 & Chente and COAD Discuss Pt 1&2 Right AfterSpeakInCOAD
1 year agoBLACKHOLES Series Ep #7: Table Talk & Got Cheese in my Beard Ft. The Rican MohicanSpeakInCOAD