Episode #13: The Guys Watch Out of Shadows & Discuss It

1 year ago

On this episode of the SpeakInC.O.A.D. Podcast, C.O.A.D. has Teddy “BEAR” Dynamite watch and review the Documentary that woke up so
many people in 2020 called Out of Shadows. Chentizzle ends up coming through right after the episode starts and almost makes the episode
become a BLACKHOLES Episode off the Jump. The Guys pause the Documentary and discuss what they just watched and give their own
opinions and theories on the matter. This episode was a lot of fun and we are slowly Waking Up TBD to what is really going on in the
Darkness. COAD & Chente definitely pull back the curtain so that TBD can have his Eyeballs Opened to The Truth.

"We have the power to bring darkness out into the light to expose what lies in it. God brings hidden things to light through Job 28:11, Dan 2:22 and John 8:12. Whoever follows Him will never walk in darkness but have the light of life."

Time Stamps for the
Intro Until @01Min14Sec
Theme Song Until @02:20
Starts Documentary @05:27
Chente Joins The Episode Abruptly @06:17
Starts Documentary @07:06
Paused the Documentary @09:39
Discussed What We Watched @07:33 to @12:09
Start Documentary @09:39 until 13:58
Paused Documentary @2709
Discussed What we watched until @18:07
Chente Outburst @19:01
Paused Doc @31:45
Discussed Until 20:31
Paused Doc @34:11
Discussed from 21:01 Until 22:34
Paused Doc @50:44
Discussed Doc from28:12 Until 40:50
Paused Doc @1Hr0M37Sec
Discussed from 41:02 Until 47:50
Documentary Ended @48:24
Discussed from 48:24 until 1Hr02Min49Sec
Sign Off @1Hr02Min49Sec
COAD’s Mic Goes Underwater @56:48
Chente Signs Out w/ Sam Tripoli @1Hr03Min25Sec


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