Never Hike Alone: A Friday The 13th Fan Film (2017) | Horror/Crime/Action | Summary: A hiker's survival skills is put to the test when he stumbles upon the remains of an old abandoned camp and discovers its long dark secrets. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
Blood and Black Lace (1964 Full Movie) | Horror/Crime | Eva Bartok, Cameron Mitchell, Dante Di Paolo. | Summary: A masked man with a metal-claw glove stalks models at a couple's fashion salon in Rome. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
TRIPLE FEATURE (Presented in The Stories' Chronological Order): Never Hike in The Snow (2023 Prequel) + Never Hike Alone (2017) + Never Hike Alone 2 (2023) [Friday The 13th Fan Films] | Horror/Crime/Action | #HappyHalloween 🎃
#84 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Jim Caviezel EXPOSES THE REAL HORRORS About Child Sex Slave Trafficking & OUR Government Is Running The Operation - You Will Be SHOCKED! "SOUND OF FREEDOM" - On The War Room With Steve Bannon