1 year ago4K ROMANCE READINGS 📖 with ASMR sprinkles 💫 PULLING OUT YOUR TENSION 💚 Sleepy time wind down 🌠ASMR with your Favorite Star
1 year ago4K WATER ASMR 🌊 FALL ASLEEP QUICKLY to DROPLETS, affirmations, NONSENSE WHISPERING & BREATHING #bestASMR with your Favorite Star
2 years agoNWO making humans hate God & masculinity & Whites & Russia to release millions demons to eat humansChristianRapture
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2 years agoKing Ghidorah sea monsters now being sighted all over world because pastors redefined Bible versesChristianRapture
1 year ago3x a day I Qi Gong to get the ick away I ~ 🔥💗 NAKED (no weapons) Qi Gong! #live #freeAviva Body Aware
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2 years agoBy redefining Bible verses Western Christians ridiculing Jesus just like they ridiculed him at crossChristianRapture
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2 years agoNWO approved dumping poison COVID19 vaccine bacteria on humans using airplane chemtrail for zombiesChristianRapture
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2 years agoALL politician celebrity entrepreneur from same nephilim & fallen angel clone avatar body bloodlinesChristianRapture
2 years agoNWO fallen angel elites' clone avatar bodies made from fallen angel & human DNA to breed nephilimsChristianRapture
2 years agoSilent fake Christian cowardly traitors condone 70% infiltration of police & military & hospitalsChristianRapture