NWO "Mark of Beast" digital currency vaccine: S class = food & freedom & no vaccine. C class = slave

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (July 2022).

Mark of the Beast vaccine digital currency system

After the real Christians are raptured into heaven, Satan Lucifer and the Illuminati NWO will be starting their economic reset “Mark of the Beast” system. The “Mark of the Beast” 4th microneedle patch QFS digital currency Luciferase biometric tattoo vaccine will be the vaccine passport to show that you are no longer human, and you are a livestock cattle human meat food and child sex slave and Mars planet mining slave and life force energy parasite laboratory specimen. There are 4 classes. The politicians and media and Hollywood celebrities and elites are told that they will be considered S class or Sovereign. The actual sovereign class will be fallen angel incarnate avatar people. They will not have to take the vaccine, and they will have all food access, and receive unlimited money, and hold all freedom to do anything which probably includes killing the lower class. The C class or Common people will be the human meat livestock and child sex slave and lab specimen and mining slave people and people who the fallen angel vampire incarnate avatar Sovereign class people will use to parasite life force energy through adrenochrome blood or energetically through torture. The R class or restricted people will be restricted from everything. The Q class or quarantine people will be imprisoned and exterminated in their FEMA Nazi holocaust camps through beheading by the AntiChrist, because they refuse to take the poison 5G Borg AI nanite hive-mind zombie vaccine “Mark of the Beast.” The “Mark of the Beast” system will work on a behavior score. As you disobey or do not do what you are told, your credit score will be decreased, and you will not be able to get food or supplies and die. This fallen angel system is basically to kill off 99% of the earth’s populace, and keep only 1% as human meat food and cloned LGBTPB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality fallen angel “fake aliens”) child sex slaves and lab specimens and mining slaves. The fallen angels want to get rid of God’s humans and become the humans in cyborg bodies to rape human child sex slaves and torture them and drink their blood as life force sources, because they are cut off from God’s life force energy. They will eventually get rid of all the lower level and lower dimensional creatures, and make a world of automaton beings who will be hive-mind controlled. Satan Lucifer and the ascended master “fake aliens” fallen angel devils feel that this is the most efficient and utopian society. Their minions will no longer be needed. They do not want any free will or free consciousness beings in the universe, because they consider that as disorder and out of their control and difficult to manage. They want to eliminate all free thinking, free behaving, free movement, free breeding, free willed entities from the universe. This “Mark of the Beast” will be just the beginning of what they are planning. Our job, dear brethren, is not to convince people or make them believe what we are telling them, but to warn them in Christ’s self-sacrificial love the truth and tell them to repent. The Western feminist nations’ religious Christian hordes, who are redefining Bible verses and rebelling against women’s head coverings so that their heads are controlled by the fallen angels, will not believe what we say, because their heads are not under their own control. Those who are controlled by the Jezebel spirit will leave you, because their brains will be told that you are a crazy lunatic heretic idiotic narcotic maniac.

Photos at: https://mewe.com/i/chapihezver
Photos at: https://gab.com/humanracesurvivalresistance
Photos at: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100018513877047

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