The "Jesus is King" Brigade, The Perverted Law of Attraction Brigade [Who Avoid Reality (if You Avoid it Then There's No Reality to Create WITH Nor FROM)], The Chosen People Brigade.. AND THE REST: When Your Belief System TRUMPS THE TRUTH!
CERN Scientist Claim: "We Could Destroy The Universe..." — Jean Nolan’s “Inspired” | WE in 5D: Your Meditations Now to Harness the Moon/Eclipse Energies (The Same The Illuminati Are Always Hijacking) Have Never Been So Important!
The Savior is Coming! That's What These Hard Times are Revealing to You. And This is How (the ONLY Way) You’re Saved From This Reality... | Jean Nolan, “Inspired”.
The 9D Pleiadians on 9/11 and the Illuminati, Stargates, The Great Pyramid, The Descending Lyrans and Other Descending Beings, and More! | Wendy Kennedy on the E.D. Podcast [Interviews with E.D. (Extra Dimensionals)]
Abraham Hicks Channels UNDER ATTACK + How Abraham Changed Our Lives! | A Jean Nolan/INSPIRED Interview with the Creators of the Animated Abraham Channel!
The IMPORTANCE OF BORDERS + Naive Spiritual People Who are Prematurely "Acting 5D" w/out Right of Passage and Believe in No Borders, New Earth and the Day (a DIFFERENT Era) in Which We Don't Need Borders, and Today's Border PsyOp!