Are They Using Weather Events to Implement Global Control in the United States | CCP Agents Embedded in New York Politics are Being Revealed in Indictments | Ultra Processed Foods are Causing America's Cognitive Decline | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Aila Wang
China and the Marijuana Industry are Funding the Pro-Hamas Protestors in the U.S. | The Surveillence State is Strengthened by Willing Participants in AI | Hamas Calls for Gazan Blood and Killing of IDF Enabled Evacuees | Cyrus Nooriala, Col (Ret) John Mil
Maricopa County ADMITS It BROKE THE LAW & Has NO CHAIN OF CUSTODY REPORTS To Verify Their Amount Of How Many Voters Checked-In Nov 8…REPUBLICANS KNEW IT & DID NOTHING! AZGop, RNC, MCRC, Asst AG, Kari Lake’s Attys & Team!