ON DEMAND! From- Aug.25,'24 Christian-Armenian Genocide. The Hidden Holocaust. In 1915 the Muslim Turks invaded Christian Armenia and Executed 1.5 Million Christian Armenians, but then denied they'd done it, in spite of indisputable evidence!
18+ LGBT Community and Israel’s Sympathizers are Treated Harshly in Syria Today. Westernized Bashar was very tolerant of homos and progressives in general.
Prof Doctorow: The Big Winner is Russia? Russia is finally to sign Mutual Defense Treaty with Iran. Russian Embassy in Syria is open and tightly protected by HTS.
FREEMASONS - A belief in a supreme being and scripture is a condition of membership. Initiates should take their vows on that scripture. Only men can be admitted, and no relationship exists with mixed Lodges. The Grand Lodge has complete control over the