Lepanto Oct 7, 1571 - The Battle against Islam that saved Europe

1 month ago

October 7, 1571 — Considered by many to have been the most important naval engagement in human history, the Battle of Lepanto was fought on this day. It saved the Christian West from defeat by the Ottoman Turks.
In the encounter, which lasted about five hours, more than 30,000 Muslim Turks and 8,000 Christians were slain. Not until the First World War would the world again witness such carnage in a single day’s fighting. The battle was also remarkable as the last and greatest engagement with oar-propelled vessels.
The conflict between Muslims and Christians had been raging since the year 622 when Mohammed set out from Medina to conquer the Christian world for Allah. Within 100 years every Christian capital of the Middle East had been pillaged. Read more here: https://tinyurl.com/ypy9w92y

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