1. Quick tip for families in Intensive Care: What are the alternatives to opiates in ICU?

    Quick tip for families in Intensive Care: What are the alternatives to opiates in ICU?

  2. Quick tip for families in ICU: Not sure why loved one is not waking up after removal of sedation!

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Not sure why loved one is not waking up after removal of sedation!

  3. Simpsons: Synthetic Opiates [Fentanyl, and other Big pharma derivatives, Agenda]

    Simpsons: Synthetic Opiates [Fentanyl, and other Big pharma derivatives, Agenda]

  4. Quick tip for families in Intensive care: What are alternatives to a tracheostomy?

    Quick tip for families in Intensive care: What are alternatives to a tracheostomy?

  5. Rehab: An Addicts Journey of Relapse and Recovery

    Rehab: An Addicts Journey of Relapse and Recovery

  6. Five ways to position yourself if your loved one isn’t waking up after an induced coma!

    Five ways to position yourself if your loved one isn’t waking up after an induced coma!

  7. Advice on how to deal with Opiate Withdrawal Part 1 - Cold Turkey

    Advice on how to deal with Opiate Withdrawal Part 1 - Cold Turkey

  8. How Addictive is Morphine Compared to Other Opiates

    How Addictive is Morphine Compared to Other Opiates

  9. Advice on how to deal with Opiate Withdrawal Part 3 - Medical Detox

    Advice on how to deal with Opiate Withdrawal Part 3 - Medical Detox

  10. My 81 year old brother is Septic after foot amputation and not waking up after an induced coma! Help

    My 81 year old brother is Septic after foot amputation and not waking up after an induced coma! Help

  11. Why is My Granddad Not Opening His Eyes &Not Fully Functioning Even After the Sedatives Are Reduced?

    Why is My Granddad Not Opening His Eyes &Not Fully Functioning Even After the Sedatives Are Reduced?

  12. My sister isn’t waking up after many weeks in an induced coma, how long will it take?

    My sister isn’t waking up after many weeks in an induced coma, how long will it take?

  13. Quick tip for families in Intensive care: the difference between paralytics vs sedation

    Quick tip for families in Intensive care: the difference between paralytics vs sedation

  14. I Want Information for my Husband Who Has Been in ICU for 6 Weeks, on a Ventilator. Can He Go Home?

    I Want Information for my Husband Who Has Been in ICU for 6 Weeks, on a Ventilator. Can He Go Home?

  15. Why is My Sister Not Waking Up After an Induced Coma & ICU Doctors Pressuring Me to Consent to DNR!

    Why is My Sister Not Waking Up After an Induced Coma & ICU Doctors Pressuring Me to Consent to DNR!

  16. Mom's in ICU on BIPAP with CO2 level 55&she's lethargic&sleeping all the time. Wakes up occasionally

    Mom's in ICU on BIPAP with CO2 level 55&she's lethargic&sleeping all the time. Wakes up occasionally

  17. Advice on how to deal with Opiate Withdrawal Part 2 - Methadone Clinics

    Advice on how to deal with Opiate Withdrawal Part 2 - Methadone Clinics

  18. Rene A shares his raw journey with opiates, revealing tough times & realizations. #AddictionRecovery

    Rene A shares his raw journey with opiates, revealing tough times & realizations. #AddictionRecovery

  19. Quick tip for families in ICU: Benzodiazepine and opiate addiction in ICU, how to deal with it?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Benzodiazepine and opiate addiction in ICU, how to deal with it?

  20. My Dad Won't Wake up After Being Cooled, Tracheostomy & Can't Give a Thumbs Up or Wiggle Toes, Help!

    My Dad Won't Wake up After Being Cooled, Tracheostomy & Can't Give a Thumbs Up or Wiggle Toes, Help!
