Dr. Mark Ibsen – “Treating Pain Has Become a Felony”

4 months ago

**This is GOOD. Dr. Mark Ibsen – a physician, author, and advocate for patients suffering from pain and the doctors who try to help them, describes his experiences after being targeted for helping pain patients and his continued fight for physician rights.

Dr. Ibsen wrote a book about the pain crisis called “Doctor Bison's Fables: An Allegory of the American Pain Refugee Crisis.”

Dr. Ibsen was also in the film called “Pain Warriors”, a film focusing on the under treatment of pain of millions of people resulting in suicide. Opioids and other medications have been “politically” discouraged in favor of other treatments that are ineffective and many doctors whenever the medical politicians push an “opioid crisis” theme have chosen to take their patients off the one thing that has helped them for years. Doing so, not only leaves the patient in severe pain, but suffering the horrendous effects of withdrawal.

Dr. Mark Ibsen ran an Emergency Medicine Practice from 1983 to about 2012 and he was targeting for his pain treatments in 2013.

He opened Urgent Care in 2010. He co-located it with some friends of his who were Naturopaths. His business was called “Urgent Care Plus” and their business was called “Natural Medicine Plus.”

The Natural Medicine Plus business by far had the healthiest patients in town.

Dr. Ibsen’s patients were having a difficult time becoming healthy as he practiced the “Allopathic Model” – treatment with drugs.

So Dr. Ibsen and the Natural Medicine Plus worked hand in hand, sharing cases with each other and working very close providing their patients with several options.

This offended somebody with a little power.

Then around 2011 a patient came to him who was on a pain killer for 30 years and their doctor had retired and no other doctor would continue the prescription – note this happens with both opioids and benzodiazepam’s and the withdrawals can be very long lasting and brain altering.

Dr. Ibsen called the Department of Public Health and Human Services and said that this was a Public Health Crisis as people were being destabilized and thrown into withdrawal for arbitrary reasons and Dr. Ibsen requested them to do something – but of course they didn’t.

Many patients came to Dr. Ibsen and he was able to get about 80% of them off Opiates using Alternative Methods.

Dr. Ibsen says most of his patients that came to him who no longer could be prescribed opiates were never told that their bodies and minds would become dependent and that they could suddenly be abandoned. *NOTE: I know ALL about this sh*t as I that is EXACTLY what happened to me and I went through years of hell afterward with NO freaking help from the medical field.

Even though Dr. Ibsen was able to get 80% of his patients off opiates there were some who just couldn’t thrive being off of them and he says “they were dying right before my eyes.”

A Chiropractor complained to the Medical Board that Dr. Ibsen was prescribing all these opiates, as most chiropractors don’t believe in them at all nor understand the withdrawal consequences that can seriously kill or cause patients to end their own lives.

Dr. Ibsen says “The State Pushed these Pain Patients into Agony and Suicide.”

This was in 2013 before the CDC went on their Anti-Opiate Campaign saying that pain patients should not be prescribed opiates and those who are taking them should be taken off of them.

Of course, our lame medical field of pain doctors went right along with this as the order taking sheep they are.

I am telling you from being a Chronic Pain Patient who was on Opiates and Benzos for 18 straight years – we are not the ones who are abusing the drugs, we take them for actual pain and the ones who abuse them take them for the “high” they receive. *Note: I am completely off of everything and haven’t even taken an Aspirin, Tylenol or Advil or ANYTHING now for at least two years. But it took years of hell before I got over the Benzo (Clonazepam – 18 years) horrendous and I mean torturing physical side effects.

Dr. Ibsen tells his patients that he is all in with them – their problem is his problem and he is there to serve them and restore their health. He said many of his patients would weep because no one ever cared for them.

Dr. Ibsen ended up in a 10 year battle with the Board of Medicine as they said he was over-prescribing and he said he wasn’t and proved it. The Board of Medicine became pissed off that Dr. Ibsen had the balls to even fight them on this and they decided to make an example of Dr. Ibsen for standing up to them.

They tried to re-educate him by making him take classes.

In 2015 all his Assets were Seized in his clinic. This resulted in his clinic being shut down.

Dr. Ibsen said he spent $500,000 in legal fees fighting the board and he couldn’t even sell his business – he says “it was a big loss.”

Dr. Chris Christensen of Montana had his office raided as they said he was dispensing too much prescription drugs, which they said resulted in the deaths of two patients and now he is behind bars.

Initially, Dr. Christensen faced 400 felony counts, including negligent homicide for the deaths of two of his patients. In 2017, Christensen was convicted on 22 counts, including the negligent homicides.

This is when Dr. Ibsen made the decision to stop prescribing opiates altogether – he would just end up in prison.

AFTER he made the decision to stop prescribing opiates to the patients that needed them – SIX of them died. *Once again – I seriously can understand this as I myself thought I was going to die. It is an experience that no on this planet should ever have to experience.

Do you see how they use FEAR to control the doctors just as they used FEAR to persuade that people needed to inject an experimental mRNA drug that was labeled a drug and propagandized as “safe & effective?”

In 2016 the CDC made is crystal clear that doctors should not prescribe opiates. The CDC is a complete joke of a 3 letter agency just as the NIH, the FDA and the WHO – all agencies that should be terminated as they don’t serve but they are tools of the Global Cabal who act as a tyrannical militia to enforce bogus policies and regulations.

When you take heart medicine – you are likely to take it the rest of your life, when you get a pacemaker – it’s for life, when you take insulin – it’s likely for life, when a doctor starts someone on Opiates it is a lifetime deal, their minds and body will become dependent and removing the opiate or benzo can literally kill them and will make them go into withdrawal.

These 3 letter agencies do not allow doctors to be independent but they are the order givers and the doctors must abide or they will be put in time out and have a visit to the office – their Medical Boards – who are complete puppets of the fraudulent, tyrannical system.

As Dr. Ibsen says “when someone gets cancer we treat them with Chemo and then the clock starts – which will kill them first, the chemo or the cancer?” If they are fortunate to survive then they have to recover from the chemo ill-effects.

It’s all about money, making people sick and keeping them sick for the rest of their life. That’s our beloved medical system.

Dr. Ibsen now prescribed cannabis for pain and is doing research on outpatient Ketamine – which I predict will never be allowed to go anywhere as I have read many testimonies that it actually WORKS. That could take away other treatment profits for Big Pharma.

There are 4 things that will get a doctor in trouble:
1. A patient who actually does abuse the drugs prescribed.
2. A disgruntled employee.
3. A jealous competitor.
4. A patient that dies from any cause while on their controlled medication.

They government can say that your patient died as a result from what you were prescribing them. It’s all fraud but when they have an AGENDA they will make up sh*t and punish those who are “out of line.

An example is of a guy who dies of a cocaine overdose but was also being prescribed an opiate and they can say it was the opiate that killed the patient as a little is still in their blood. That is an actual example, not made up.

Why go to the ER for a fractured bone when all they will tell you to do is take some freaking Ibuprofen? We can just go to any store to get that.

Now they are using the Pharmacists to do their dirty work by not allowing prescriptions to be filled.

Do people even think for themselves anymore or do they just wait to be told what to do by a 3 letter agency?

Science based medicine is non-existent but they say “Trust the Science.” Science is 100% determined by who is funding it.

These medical dictators are nothing different than the Nazi’s.

The medical “experts” are now Non-Doctors – just DEA Agents and other 3 letter Enforcers.

Is it Medical Care? Is it Health Care? OR Is it “I Don’t Care?”

The interviewer is Dr. Joseph Parker – he wrote this book → “Perspectives in Pain: THE FEDERAL WAR ON AMERICAN MEDICINE: A Doctor’s Journey to an Understanding of the Science of Pain and Addiction.”

*Note: I am not going to be putting out as much content – unlike other channels, I watch videos and I put ( I actually write out) my complete summary and interject (add in) what I know from other sources. My goal is to actually help people. It takes a lot of effort to to do this and I need a little break.

1. The Center for Medical Justice -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYgRy-Yb5uc&t=1s

2. Former Florence doctor behind bars, 4 years after conviction -- https://www.kpax.com/news/ravalli-county/former-florence-doctor-finally-behind-bars-4-years-after-conviction

Pain Warriors – Only Human -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB60ZCiYwgk


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END. 9/1/2024 – 6:00 PM

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