3 months agoStrong mag. 5.0 Earthquake in Oromiya, Ethiopia on The Day of The CROSS (MESKAL)AddisEthiopia
2 months agoPresident Putin Welcomes The Genocidal War Criminal Abiy Ahmed Ali to the KremlinAddisEthiopia
1 month agoFrom Valencia Half Marathon (Death & Slavery) To Valencia Flood Disaster (Death & Misery)AddisEthiopia
1 month agoThe UN Ignores The Persecution of Christians | የተባበሩት መንግስታት የክርስቲያኖችን ስደት ችላ ብሎታልAddisEthiopia
4 months agoDEBATE: Companions of Mohamed Deceived The Christian King of Ethiopia, Armah (Nejashi) Pt. 1AddisEthiopia
3 months agoGenocide of Afro-Argentines: How Argentina Erased Its Black People From HistoryAddisEthiopia