Afar African When We Ruled the World Part 1

5 months ago

#Redacted #History #Debunked.

Until lions have their own historians, tales of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. ( Chinua Achebe ). Or Until the lion learns how to write every story will glorify the hunter.

The objective here is to appropriate our Afri, African legacy and History. In short, debunk the redacted history.

In the light of President Vladimir #Putin's Black Ephratite or Ephraïm Jesus tip of the iceberg revelation in Russian religious effigies let me shed light on what remains under the iceberg. The hummock and bummock of the real history. Hear it from the horse’s mouth and Aphar.

The Potter ( God ) Clay that shaped Adam: called Aphar H 06080, H 06083.

#Afar, Afri, African When We Ruled the World. Afar, African, they tried to bury us. They forgot we were seeds.

History is a continuity and contiguity of the same Haplogroup L3 Afar people. The Homo sapiens Afar who started the first mankind exodus. The first initiator of the out of Africa exodus theory about 60 to 70,000 years ago.

Theory supported by a wide range of evidence including genetic data, fossil, archaeological findings, historic, scriptures, and linguistic records especially their ethnocentrism their shared identity creed names .

In Antiquity All the that follow proudly carried their Afar, Aphar, Afri, African, Avarkan Creed names.

( Afar, Africanus, Afranius, Afrinius Afer ( Roman Emperor Hadrian Afer ), for the Romans and Carthaginians.
Ben Afer, Afarensis ( Lucy ), Afraka ( Kemet: Isis, Osiris, Heru/Horus ) Ophir, Aver, Avaris ( Hyksos, ou Hyksu, in Afar.
Ophren ( Mesopotamians,: Turks, Arabs,) Apher, Epher, Epha, Ephra, Ephron ( Canaanites ), Ephraïm ( Hebrew ), Afran ( Oromo ), Ephrem ( Amharas ).
Apharnabuzus ( Mede, Elamites, Persians ), Ephori, Ephoros ( Spartan Greeks, Alexander the Great ),
Iphicrates ( Greeks, Cretans ); Euphrates River, Afrakeush, Afrakoosh ( Moors, Tuaregs, Amazighs, Berbers ); Avarkan, African ).

#Cradle of Mankind: Palaeontology. Lucy Afarensis 3 million 200 thousand years old in Afar, Ethiopia. Idaltu, the Herto Man 160,000 years old Homo sapiens. Found in Herto Burri,Afar Ethiopia.
#Genesis_Garden_Of_Eden in Scriptures. Genesis Chapter 2 versus 10 to 14. The Potter Clay: Aphar H 06080, H 06083.
#Exodus_Out_Of_Africa. The genetic trail of Haplogroup Afar across the rest of the globe. Let’s follow history through the Afar, Afri creed.

I will develop this introduction in subsequent videos.

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