8 months ago"TOXIC ALLEY" Ctrl Pt. / Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone Bld /#Gameplay of the #Division2Wildezword
8 months ago"RED DRAGON" Ctrl Pt. / Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone Bld /#Gameplay of the #Division2 #TomClancy #WZWildezword
8 months ago"THE WORLD'S END" Ctrl Pt. / Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone Bld /#Gameplay of the #Division2 #TomClancy #WZWildezword
8 months ago"BANK HEADQUARTERS" Mission /Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone Bld /#Gameplay of the #Division2 #TomClancy #WZWildezword
8 months agoFINANCIAL DISTRICT SWEEP /Pushing Build to the Limit /Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone /#Gameplay #Division2Wildezword
8 months agoREVISED Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone Build (TEST 2)/ "D-Railed" Control Pt /#Gameplay of the #Division2Wildezword
8 months agoTEST 1 of revised Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone Bld / "Stranded Tanker" Co-op /#Gameplay of the #Division2Wildezword
8 months ago[Experiment Bld] Trading 100 Striker stacks for 200% Bonus Armor?/Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone/#Division2Wildezword
8 months ago[Experiment Build & Test 5] "Capitol Building" / Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone Build /#Gameplay #Division2Wildezword
7 months agoFirst Rogue /Hercules PART 2- "Rooftop Gardens"/Ouro-Heartbreaker-RPK-Drone Bld/#Gameplay #Division2Wildezword
7 months agoCITY HALL & Territory Control /Revisiting the Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone-RPK Build #Gameplay #Division2Wildezword
7 months agoCONEY ISLAND BALLPARK & AMUSEMENT PARK / Revisiting the Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone-RPK Build #Division2Wildezword
8 months ago[Experiment Build & Test 3] "Flooded Levee" / Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone Build /#Gameplay of #Division2Wildezword
8 months ago[Experiment Build & Test 2] "Metro Ruins" / Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone Bld /#Gameplay of #Division2 #WZWildezword
8 months ago[Experiment Build & Test 4] "The Choke”/ Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone Build /#Gameplay of #Division2Wildezword
7 months ago🇺🇸🇺🇸💯Led Zeppelin, Heartbreaker ~ Living Loving Maid ~ Ballz💯🇺🇸🇺🇸~ SaltyzBallz🏌️♂️Verified
4 months agoStreet Fighting Man Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo (Heartbreaker) Rolling StonesPsychological operationsVerified
8 months agoTHEY BROKE LMGS, Part 2 / Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone & Devil's Due-LMG /#Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancyWildezword