(FIOS CENSORED) US DOD MARATHON! STARTING: Thurs.Jan30,-25! If you do nothing else this year: Watch this show on protecting ourselves from millions of Cross Border Sneak-Ins and fighting age foreign Terrorists and Military, Joe BIden brought to our door!
R.I.P. Truth Speaker Francis Boyle 🙏🏼 | NB: This broadcast was originally published in February 2020 | SMOKING GUN-Dr. Francis Boyle, Bio Weapons Expert; China Bought Weaponized Wuhan Virus From U.S. · February 19, 2020 The Alex Jones Show
Golden-Age/Sun God Worship Symbolism at Rebirth Notre Dame Ceremony, Exposing Clay Clark's Reawaken Tour, Flynn's Satanic Prayer, Scott McKay's Satanic New Age Teachings Exposed, Q's "Ascension", Paganism of Xmas