2009 and On Youtube/Internet Global Battle! YAH SAID take the masses of prophets of baal leading many to a false jesus to Spiritual Mount Carmel. Anointed Minister speaks HIS Apostle's Words
Fallen angels take over more Churches it will get worse! Fake Rod Parsley/others demonstrate. Many brothers/sisters won't listen, Go back. Don't test YAH FLEE It'll break you the pain's coming
Christian Bobby Barnes lured by Organized Church Minister (satanist) to graveyard turns reprobate (fallen angel possessed) tries to war versus Apostle Elisheva & Ministry, he dies young, goes to hell
2002 Epic Prophecy 62 Excerpts - YAH Warns of vaccine danger. "Pray that you will not be..quarantined." Stadiums. "Psalm 91 Stand," Poison (See Prophecy 59 too pray over food/water-anoint home daily) mirrored
Indepth Prophetic Revelations about The Bride of YAHUSHUA, The 144,000, Amightywind Prophecy Excerpts 98, 26, 21, 66. One cannot be the Bride without keeping the True Shabbat & Holy Days, rejecting the pagan days
Amightywind Prophecy 120 - Don’t Give Up! Do Not Quit! Sukkot Restoration Prophecy to Hebrew Translator, Messianic Jews & All Believers! "MY Blood drenches the soil in Israel. Just one drop is all it takes to wash the sins away."
Amightywind Prophecy 51 - The Clarion Call Of The 144,000! The Book of Revelation Bride! "I YAHUVEH am time itself. Who else can stop time, speed it up, or back it up?"
Pastor David Wilkerson (now in Heaven) Warned Of A "Persecution Madness" At true believers in JESUS (YAHUSHUA, Hebrew Translation) Many Filthy Churches. True Church Underground, Home Worship
Amightywind Prophecy 89 - SECRETS OF THE RUACH HA KODESH! Mysteries with sheer ANOINTED POWER & WISDOM when we pray and abide in PRECIOUS IMMAYAH, THE HOLY SPIRIT in YAHUSHUA'S NAME. SHE is just Waiting to Help & Teach
Video Excerpts - Anointed Minister Warns Believers in YAHUSHUA/JESUS "You have a responsibility to help this Ministry to warn the people...that there are satanists in the midst of their communities trying to devour them"
Amightywind Prophecy 88 - I, YAHUVEH, TOY WITH MY ENEMIES! I'm just toying with you (enemy) to show you, it is I, YAHUVEH, that knows all things, so that I only give you enough rope to hang yourself. For you shall die on Haman's gallows.
Amightywind Prophecy 61 - Where Are All My Holy Men That Lift Up Their Holy Hands To ME, YAHUVEH? "September 11, 2001,..How few give ME the Glory, for I saved lives that did not even merit saving."
Prophecy 70 (key to YAH'S Arsenal) What Will YAHUVEH Do When Calamity Comes Knocking At Your Door? "many times I use this ministry as a barometer" A "Jer 6:27-30 test"
Amightywind Prophecy 91 - John Hagee, "You are Doomed," saith I, YAHUVEH! "I told you, you heard MY footsteps and I told you I was walking this earth in a form you would not recognize."
Amightywind Prophecy 59 - I Am Not Coming For A Disobedient Bride! " I am the Alpha & Omega. It is MY RUACH ha KODESH anointing on this ministry. This is MY Ministry, I guard and I protect."
Amightywind Prophecy 123 (by AMW video team) Devastation is Coming! Devastation is Here! "I am the same YAHUVEH, that raises the dead. I am the same YAHUVEH, that either gives judgment or salvation. I have not changed."
Amightywind Prophecy 153 Excerpts Pres. Trump saved millions of children from sex abuse/5G/more! (See received in 2020 Prophecy 154 YAH'S Fury U.S. Betrayed/Treasons so China Infiltrates/Trump-baby Christian, NO hybrid)
Solid Prophet, Associate Minister to Apostle Elisheva gives testimony, saw YAHUSHUA, explains churches filled with evil, even Pentecostal. (Many of us worship/pray from home, we know danger, be safe)