Marshall U (West Virginia): Angry Catholic & Proud Atheist Helps Me Draw Crowd, I Warn The Students About Trump the Antichrist and Exalt Jesus And The True Gospel, Contending W/ The Wicked and Singing of The Blood!
Indiana State Indianapolis: Wicked Catholic Defends His Sin, He Eventually Sits At My Feet, Sincere Christian Searches the Bible To Ensure I Am Speaking Truth & Rejoices At My Preaching, I Warn the Students of Trump Being The Anti Christ, Prophetic Da
Montclaire University: 3 Young Men Eager To Be Preachers Are Offended When I Rebuke A Loud Mouthed Jezebel, I Stomp On the Koran, Minister To A Humble Roman Catholic Student, Martin Seeks How To Be Born Again -- HUGE VICTORY IN JESUS!!!!