The Catholic Church embraced much, if not all, the paganism that originated in ancient Babylon. 19

5 months ago

The Pagan Traditions of Babylon - Overcoming the Paradigms of Prophecy Video #19

Overcoming the Paradigms of Prophecy - Volume 7 Episode 1

History tells us that the paganism and idolatry was blatant and extremely popular in ancient Babylon.

As a matter of fact, virtually all the paganism that has existed in the world can be traced back to ancient Babylon.

Because of their embrace of paganism, the identity of the Whore of Babylon has been thought by many to be Catholic Church for centuries.

The Catholic Church did embrace much (if not all) of the paganism that originated in ancient Babylon. But is that actually the Harlot spoken of in Revelation?

(Remember when you were CERTAIN that the Two Witnesses were Moses and Elijah?? Doh!!!)

If you have viewed these videos in order (which is HIGHLY recommended), then you should know that this must be a people or nation that occupied the land of Israel.

Also, Revelation tells us that the Harlot is destroyed by the Beast (Islam).

Revelation is pre-written history that could only come from Elohim Himself! Watch and see if you don't agree...

Scripture References: Rev. 17:1-5, Deut. 12:1-4, 29-32, Ezek. 8:7-15, Jer. 44:17, Col. 2:8, 1 Peter 1:18-19....

River Valley Torah Assembly

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