1. The Fallen Angels Created Aliens By Mixing One Species With Another Back Before The Great Flood

    The Fallen Angels Created Aliens By Mixing One Species With Another Back Before The Great Flood

  2. You Can't Unsee It!: Episode 7 - Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Devil & Hades

    You Can't Unsee It!: Episode 7 - Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Devil & Hades

  3. Episode 8 - Bigfoot Jumps the Fence: What Do We Do With the Creepier Cryptids?

    Episode 8 - Bigfoot Jumps the Fence: What Do We Do With the Creepier Cryptids?

  4. YOU CAN'T UNSEE IT ( secret societies, symbolism, majic)

    YOU CAN'T UNSEE IT ( secret societies, symbolism, majic)

  5. You Can't Unsee It!: Episode 6 - Rome, the Catholic Church and Adam & Eve

    You Can't Unsee It!: Episode 6 - Rome, the Catholic Church and Adam & Eve

  6. You Can't Unsee It!: Episode 8 - Medieval Dark Ages, Dragons & the Witch Trials

    You Can't Unsee It!: Episode 8 - Medieval Dark Ages, Dragons & the Witch Trials

  7. Episode 12 – Things That Are Just Plain Weird: A Potpourri of Potentially Paranormal

    Episode 12 – Things That Are Just Plain Weird: A Potpourri of Potentially Paranormal

  8. Episode 7 - Bigfoot & Friends... Wait, I Thought this Was a Paranormal Podcast

    Episode 7 - Bigfoot & Friends... Wait, I Thought this Was a Paranormal Podcast

  9. Episode 5 - Ghosts and Other Things That Go Bump in the Night

    Episode 5 - Ghosts and Other Things That Go Bump in the Night

  10. Episode 4 - The Ephesians Conspiracy: What Does the Unseen Realm NOT Want You to Know?

    Episode 4 - The Ephesians Conspiracy: What Does the Unseen Realm NOT Want You to Know?
