Episode 10 – Rime of the Ancient Astronauts

1 year ago

Is the Old Testament accurate when it comes to history and science? Does it plagiarize stories from other cultures? Can we trust Apocryphal writings and pseudepigraphs like the 1st Book of Enoch? How could all this possibly tie in with extraterrestrials?

Check all our podcasts for a variety of topics like cryptids, miracles, Nephilim, ghosts, Bigfoot, biblical worldview, Heaven, Hell, dogman, Sasquatch, elementals, spiritual warfare, shadow people, black-eyed children, UFOs, UAPs, extraterrestrials, territorial spirits, hat man, Genesis 6, giants, Rephaim, Ephesians 6, moth man, rakes, skinwalkers, shape-shifters, ley lines, magic, psychics, ESP, demons, angels, pseudepigraphs, Watchers, Anunnaki, Ir, bene Elohim, sons of God, Sethite view, line of Cain, Lucifer, Satan, Eden, Yeti, DUMBs, Area 51, Jersey Devil, Wendigos, Stonehenge, Indrid Cold, Enoch, Chupacabras, Reptoids, unseen realm, and much more...

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