Half Black/Puerto Rican Far-Left Wokeist Discovers and Learns That Her Ancestors Owned Slaves.. and That..... THAT'S LIFE and That's How it Goes (or at Least Went). Not That She Seems Ready for the Next Logical Step—MOVE ON.
BREAKING: "I SAT IN ON THE MEETINGS"—The Illuminati's Hope & Plan to Kill 7 Billion People! The Only Reason This Insider Left The Illuminati is Because He Realized The Illuminati Were as Bad as the 7 Billion They Want to Kill.
How Trump Shifted the Republican Party (and the Downfall of it—in a Good Way), How the Left is Turning People Republican, the Dark History of the USA, UFO's/Extraterrestrials, and More! | Bret Weinstein on the Joe Rogan Experience