6 months agoNewsTreason RT pt. 2 (6.29.24 @ 7PM EST) [related info and links in description]MyCatholicRedPill
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9 months agoSenate due to vote on the bill which would see tiktok platform removed from American app storesIsraeliteForeigner3
1 month agoTranshumanist Technocracy Continues - Conversation with Peter Koenig - TSS EP 40Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
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17 days agoRussia develops anti-cancer vaccine, preclinical studies show successFree Your Mind Videos
3 months agoRussia reserves right to resort to nuclear weapons if faced with threat – PutinFree Your Mind Videos
9 months agoURTEIL 🇨🇭🇩🇪🇦🇹: "in legibus salus civitatis posita est" - USA 🇺🇸, gegenwärtig in Kriegszeit - 50 USC 1550, EO 13818, 18 USC 2381 - Ende der Schweizer 🇨🇭Demokratie - US Militärjustiz - COVID PsyOps - Frühling’24PascalAndDianaNajadiKennedyKahlooniQVerified
9 months agoUpdate: Zelensky Admitted that He and NATO Intelligence Carried out Mass Murder in Moscowteddolbi
6 months agoHalt of dollar and euro trades at Moscow Exchange won’t affect people – RussiaFree Your Mind Videos
7 months agoWoke NATO In Former Ukraine is Collapsing Badly and Quickly. Russ To Use Tactical Nukes if NATO Homosexuals to Cross In To Former Ukraineteddolbi
7 months agoItalian TV is making fun of our most popular president ever, Joe Biden. I’m fuming. Terrible!teddolbi
9 months agoRussian Election: Putin Wins with 87% : ID Required, Paper Ballots, 1 Day Voting, No Mail-in Votingteddolbi