1. Let's expose SJP and the Pro Palestinian movement for what they really are

    Let's expose SJP and the Pro Palestinian movement for what they really are

  2. A Journalist by day and a Terrorist, also by day. There are NO innocents in Gaza!

    A Journalist by day and a Terrorist, also by day. There are NO innocents in Gaza!

  3. Learn something: Occupation, Ethnic cleansing, Apartheid

    Learn something: Occupation, Ethnic cleansing, Apartheid

  4. These 2 kids spent hours hiding in a closet after watching their parents murdered!

    These 2 kids spent hours hiding in a closet after watching their parents murdered!

  5. Why Israel MUST fight and Eliminate all Muslim Terror organizations? Here's why!

    Why Israel MUST fight and Eliminate all Muslim Terror organizations? Here's why!

  6. A Jew is a Jew, no matter what you decide to call them

    A Jew is a Jew, no matter what you decide to call them

  7. Brainless mob drops picture of Iranian supreme leader on the facade of the Brooklyn Museum.

    Brainless mob drops picture of Iranian supreme leader on the facade of the Brooklyn Museum.

  8. God gave us brains - USE THEM!

    God gave us brains - USE THEM!

  9. New industry in Gaza: Scam artists read from a script to solicit money from unsuspecting Westerners

    New industry in Gaza: Scam artists read from a script to solicit money from unsuspecting Westerners

  10. An Israeli-Arab tells the truth! Israel must control Gaza!

    An Israeli-Arab tells the truth! Israel must control Gaza!

  11. God darn Israel! Why are you destroying homes in Gaza? Amm...Ohh.... They are shooting from homes?

    God darn Israel! Why are you destroying homes in Gaza? Amm...Ohh.... They are shooting from homes?

  12. Another Al Jazeera "Journalist" reported from a Kibbutz in Israel on 10/7 while his buddies raping

    Another Al Jazeera "Journalist" reported from a Kibbutz in Israel on 10/7 while his buddies raping

  13. Another Hypocrite Clueless college student. Good luck with the rest of your life.

    Another Hypocrite Clueless college student. Good luck with the rest of your life.

  14. A market in Deir al-Balah, central Gaza this week. Starvation? I don't think so!

    A market in Deir al-Balah, central Gaza this week. Starvation? I don't think so!

  15. Gurl, Bye! MSNBC Harpy Lectures Trump Judge Aileen Cannon To Stay In Her Own Lane And Oh HELL No

    Gurl, Bye! MSNBC Harpy Lectures Trump Judge Aileen Cannon To Stay In Her Own Lane And Oh HELL No

  16. EU And China Set For Talks On Planned EV Tariffs

    EU And China Set For Talks On Planned EV Tariffs

  17. CNN Host Stunned by Pollster Telling Her Bluntly Why Media Are Always Wrong on This

    CNN Host Stunned by Pollster Telling Her Bluntly Why Media Are Always Wrong on This

  18. Steve Kirsch: A lot of people are fooled and they don't even realize it.

    Steve Kirsch: A lot of people are fooled and they don't even realize it.
