Steve Kirsch: A lot of people are fooled and they don't even realize it.

6 months ago

Steve Kirsch: "A lot of people are fooled and they don't even realize it. There are people who got a vaccine, were injured by the vaccine, convinced by their doctors: Oh you need to take the 2nd vaccine to be fully protected. They take the 2nd vaccine and they die. I credit you for waking up early before the damage could have been more permanent."
Jimmy Dore: "I didn't take the booster. Most of my Hollywood friends, people who worked for this show, stopped working for this show, stopped talking to me. Attacked me publicly over it and because they got it wrong and they didn't want me talking about my vaccine injury, they didn't want me talking about that I figured out early on that the vaccine didn't stop contraction or transmission of the varus and that negated the need for mandates. Mandates made no sense..."
Source: The Jimmy Dore Show (Rumble)

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