2 days agoWhen we join forces, we already have all the solutions!The Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
5 days agoGenyous Omnitüra Botanical Approach For Cancer Ready To ImplementThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
6 days agoPresident Trump Autism from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 36 Something is wrong!The Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
7 hours agoModern Syndromes like Freshman Year Mono After Required VaccinesThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
1 day agoHHS liable since 1986 for not ensuring any vaccine testingThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
20 days agoDr. 'Judy Mikovits' & 'Alex Jones' On Acquired Immune Deficiencies From Infections In Injected Go UncheckedAndreCorbeil
12 days agoVentura County Health SCare Going After Trump Supporter KidsThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
9 days agoRename NIAID National Institute of Acquired Immune DiseaseThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
22 days agoStop to pretend these are vaccine preventable diseases!The Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
18 days agoWe have curative oral and nasal True therapies and immunizations.The Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
8 days agoNicole Shanahan @AmericaFest: Fertility Crisis Path to ExtinctionThe Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified
28 days agoCancer is an acquired immune deficiency and we have cures!The Real Dr. Judy A. MikovitsVerified