1. My Mother's Been in ICU Ventilated & Tracheostomy with End Stage Lung Cancer, Can She Go Home?

    My Mother's Been in ICU Ventilated & Tracheostomy with End Stage Lung Cancer, Can She Go Home?

  2. Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Look After Cough Assist Machines at Home to Avoid Hospital Admissions?

    Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Look After Cough Assist Machines at Home to Avoid Hospital Admissions?

  3. My Mother is in ICU Needing a Tracheostomy, Is She Able to Go Home with INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME?

    My Mother is in ICU Needing a Tracheostomy, Is She Able to Go Home with INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME?

  4. My Mother's in ICU Needing Tracheostomy After Heart Attack,Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take Her Home?

    My Mother's in ICU Needing Tracheostomy After Heart Attack,Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take Her Home?

  5. My Husband's Terminally Ill and in Palliative Care. Can You Provide Fluid & TPN Management at Home?

    My Husband's Terminally Ill and in Palliative Care. Can You Provide Fluid & TPN Management at Home?

  6. Why You Need an Independent Expert and Second Opinion When It Comes To Brain Death Testing In ICU?

    Why You Need an Independent Expert and Second Opinion When It Comes To Brain Death Testing In ICU?

  7. What's the Best Home Care Option for My Ventilated&Tracheostomy&SMA 17-Year-Old Girl in Australia?

    What's the Best Home Care Option for My Ventilated&Tracheostomy&SMA 17-Year-Old Girl in Australia?

  8. My 90-Year-Old Mother's Been in ICU for 5 Months!Ventilation&Tracheostomy&Dialysis,Can She Go Home?

    My 90-Year-Old Mother's Been in ICU for 5 Months!Ventilation&Tracheostomy&Dialysis,Can She Go Home?

  9. 30-Yr-Old Daughter's Been in ICU 4 Months, Ventilated&Trachea&Paralysed Diaphragm, I Want Her Home!

    30-Yr-Old Daughter's Been in ICU 4 Months, Ventilated&Trachea&Paralysed Diaphragm, I Want Her Home!

  10. Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Look After BIPAP, Wound Care, Catheters & Intravenous Medication at Home?

    Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Look After BIPAP, Wound Care, Catheters & Intravenous Medication at Home?

  11. INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Transferred Another TPN Client Home After Many Months inHospital in Melbourne

    INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Transferred Another TPN Client Home After Many Months inHospital in Melbourne

  12. How INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Advocates for a Tracheostomy for Ventilated Adults and Children in ICU!

    How INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Advocates for a Tracheostomy for Ventilated Adults and Children in ICU!

  13. Duchenne Myopathy, Ventilation& Tracheostomy! Is BIPAP At Home Through Tracheostomy Reducing CO2?

    Duchenne Myopathy, Ventilation& Tracheostomy! Is BIPAP At Home Through Tracheostomy Reducing CO2?

  14. My Mother's Been in ICU For 2 Months Ventilated & Tracheostomy Unable to Wean, Can She Go Home?

    My Mother's Been in ICU For 2 Months Ventilated & Tracheostomy Unable to Wean, Can She Go Home?

  15. Thank You Patrik and intensivecarehotline.com for Saving My Brother's Life After Cardiac Arrest!

    Thank You Patrik and intensivecarehotline.com for Saving My Brother's Life After Cardiac Arrest!

  16. Thank You Patrik & intensivecarehotline.com Giving the Right Advice Saving My Brother's Life in ICU

    Thank You Patrik & intensivecarehotline.com Giving the Right Advice Saving My Brother's Life in ICU

  17. Ask me Anything! Patrik Hutzel from intensivecarehotline.com, Answering Your Questions Live!

    Ask me Anything! Patrik Hutzel from intensivecarehotline.com, Answering Your Questions Live!

  18. If a Doctor Calls You & Says that Your Brother is Critically Ill, Does that Mean He's Going to Die?

    If a Doctor Calls You & Says that Your Brother is Critically Ill, Does that Mean He's Going to Die?

  19. Dad's in ICU With a Pressure Sore, Can He Be Weaned Off The Ventilator& Tracheostomy Simultaneously?

    Dad's in ICU With a Pressure Sore, Can He Be Weaned Off The Ventilator& Tracheostomy Simultaneously?

  20. My Dad's in ICU with Pneumonia, 14 Days Induced Coma,Not Waking Up, What Questions Do I Need to Ask?

    My Dad's in ICU with Pneumonia, 14 Days Induced Coma,Not Waking Up, What Questions Do I Need to Ask?

  21. My Partner Has a Hypoxic Brain Injury & is in ICU Ventilated with Myoclonic Jerks & Poor Prognosis!

    My Partner Has a Hypoxic Brain Injury & is in ICU Ventilated with Myoclonic Jerks & Poor Prognosis!

  22. Is it a Good Idea to have My Dad's Tracheostomy Removed in ICU Whilst Still Needing Noradrenaline?

    Is it a Good Idea to have My Dad's Tracheostomy Removed in ICU Whilst Still Needing Noradrenaline?
