Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Look After Cough Assist Machines at Home to Avoid Hospital Admissions?

8 months ago

Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Look After Cough Assist Machines at Home to Avoid Hospital Admissions?

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If you want to know if we can look after patients at home on cough assist machines, stay tuned! I’ve got news for you today.

My name is Patrik Hutzel from where we provide tailor-made solutions for long-term ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies. We also provide tailor-made solutions for hospitals and intensive care units while providing quality care for long-term ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies, for medically complex patients at home including Home BIPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure), Home CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), tracheostomy care when someone is not ventilated, also Home TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition), and IV antibiotics. We also provide services for port management, central line management, PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) line management as well as Hickman’s line management. We also provide services for palliative care at home. In essence, we are a genuine alternative for a long-term stay in intensive care.

Today, I want to answer a question from Jacinta, who is a care coordinator at Western Health in Melbourne, and she sends an email and ask, “Can clients fund your services from TAC funding?” Now, the TAC is the Transport and Accident Commission in Victoria responsible for patients who had a severe motor vehicle accident with catastrophic injuries.

So, I’m wanting to discuss the services of nurses that can assist a TAC client in ongoing support. The patient has a Nippy which is a cough assist machine overnight, and a recent hospital admission for pneumonia on the background of quadriplegia. Well, I’m not surprised that a patient with quadriplegia and is potentially bedbound and is not using the cough assist correctly is ending up in hospital with pneumonia, there are absolutely no surprises there. All of our staff are intensive care nurses, so they know how to use the cough assist machine and they know the mechanics of it.

Basically, what the cough assist machine is doing, it’s giving a high amount of pressure into the lungs at short interval and then it gives a negative pressure at short interval, and it makes patients cough, expanding the lungs, getting up secretions that otherwise would be very difficult to get rid of especially for someone with a high quadriplegia or with a high spinal injury.

So that is bread and butter for us, this is exactly what we do. We are actually the only service in Australia that is accredited for Intensive Care at Home nursing. There’s no other service in Australia in 2024 that has achieved and is running with the same level of accreditation than we do, which is Intensive Care at Home nursing that enables us to deploy hundreds of years of intensive care nursing experience combined into the community. So, our workforce, I believe, is the highest skilled workforce in Australia and that enables us to look after the highest acuity clients in the community. No other service can provide that level of care in Australia.

So, Jacinta, we’re all here for you. We’re all here for the TAC, we have other TAC clients on our books. I hope that answers your questions.

Our service is evidence-based and you can look that up on our accreditation page on our website and I’ll link towards it. You can also see the evidence on the on the page for the Mechanical Home Ventilation Guidelines.

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