1. "याकूब की वंशवृद्धि: प्रतिद्वंद्विता, समझौते और आशीर्वाद" उत्पत्ति 30 |

    "याकूब की वंशवृद्धि: प्रतिद्वंद्विता, समझौते और आशीर्वाद" उत्पत्ति 30 |

  2. "Jacob's Departure from Laban: Conflict, Covenant, and Divine Guidance" genesis 31.

    "Jacob's Departure from Laban: Conflict, Covenant, and Divine Guidance" genesis 31.

  3. "From Barrenness to Blessing: The Strife and Success of Jacob's Wives" Genesis 30:1-43.

    "From Barrenness to Blessing: The Strife and Success of Jacob's Wives" Genesis 30:1-43.