Estúdio 5° Elemento


Um debate franco e aberto acerca das questões das humanidades, tais como filosofia, arte, política, comportamento, passando por educação, família, religião, entre outros temas – sempre fundamentado em valores universais e nos princípios que formaram a civilização ocidental. Esta é a proposta do Programa Quinto Elemento. A cada edição, Arthur Machado, Leonardo Trielli Marnoto, Carlos de Freitas e Filipe Trielli, apresentarão um convidado diferente (o quinto elemento), a quem caberá dar o tom da conversa.



| Streaming | Game development | Music | PREMIUM content Mondays, 7PM CST! #EmeraldCoast ----------------- Current Schedule (All times are in CST): Mon - 7PM - Premium Stream Mon - 10pm - Multistream Wed - 10pm - Multistream Fri - 10PM - Mario Kart Multistream Sun - 10pm - Multistream ----------------- you can support us on BuyMeACoffee: ----------------- Stream Co-host: ----------------- Other links:

Home Studio Trainer


Your Home Recording coach for all things Home Recording. This channel is a support system for users of PreSonus Studio One. Johnny offers everything from Free personal videos to One-on-one Zoom sessions for all supporting members of the channel. Johnny is a well-known audio engineer, music producer, and educator. He is the creator of the popular Home Studio Trainer website and YouTube channel, which provides tutorials and tips on music production, mixing, and mastering. Johnny has over 20 years of experience in the music industry, working with a wide range of artists and genres. He has also been a speaker at various music conferences and has written many online instructionals for Facebook Groups and at Through his Home Studio Trainer platform, Johnny provides practical advice and insights to aspiring producers and engineers, helping them to improve their skills and produce professional-quality music from their home studios. He is highly respected in the PreSonus groups on Facebook and is known for his ability to explain complex technical concepts in a clear and understandable way.