

هدفنا تمكين الشباب العربي معرفياً ومالياً -نعلمك إدارة المال,الوصول لأول مليون - نعلمك كيف تبدأ مشروعك - تواصل معنا واحجز استشارتك الان. تابعني ليصلك الجديد دائما هذفي ان أساعد اكبر عدد من الشباب لتغيير حياتهم للأفضل 🤲🏻🤲🏻🙏 انستاغرام :path_fiindr1@ فيسبوك : AnassTãålïb@ صفحة فيسبوك: Talebpreneure@ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #COD #Facebook_Ads #E_commerce #digital_marketing #Ecom #maroc #beuty #beuti #instagood #womenpower #casablanca #marrakech #rabat #marocaine🇲🇦 #love #marrakech #agadir #اسرار_التسويق_الالكتروني #لندعم_المبتدئ #لندعم_المبتدء #التسويق_الالكتروني #التسويق_الرقمي



It seem An e-commerce account is a user profile or account created on an online platform that allows individuals or businesses to engage in buying and selling goods and services over the internet. Here's a basic description for such an account: "An e-commerce account is a digital identity that provides access to an online marketplace, enabling users to browse, shop, and conduct transactions in a virtual retail environment. These accounts typically require users to provide personal information, such as their name, contact details, and payment information, to facilitate secure and convenient online shopping. E-commerce accounts are essential for making purchases, tracking orders, and managing customer preferences, offering a seamless and personalized shopping experience. Whether you're a consumer looking to buy products or a seller seeking to list items for sale, an e-commerce account is your gateway to the world of online shopping and trade." THANK YOU