Rob Almasi


I’m a 23 year old entrepreneur with a degree in business/finance. I've been involved in the stock market, investing, day trading, swing trading, and making money online since I was 18. I want to help others by letting them know how I manage my money, what things worked for me and what things didn’t. My video portfolio encompasses trading and investing ideas, stock market updates, as well as general lessons I’ve learned about money management. If you enjoy my content, and want to learn about growing your wealth, feel free to subscribe to my channel. Disclaimer: The content in any of my YouTube videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. I am not a financial advisor, and the content I create is for entertainment purposes only.

Fun,dope compilation and other types of videos


A channel featuring compilations of various things would typically showcase a wide range of content that has been curated and put together in a creative and engaging way. The channel may focus on a particular theme or genre, such as funny videos, sports highlights, movie clips, or music remixes, or it could feature a mix of different topics. The compilations may be created by the channel itself or may feature content from other sources, with proper credit and permission given. They may be organized around a central idea, such as "best of" or "top 10" lists, or may simply be a collection of entertaining and interesting content. The goal of the channel would be to provide viewers with a fun, engaging, and entertaining experience that keeps them coming back for more. The content would be carefully curated and edited to ensure that it is high-quality and appealing to a broad audience, with a focus on delivering a mix of humor, excitement, and awe-inspiring moments



Questo canale contiene la mia personale ricerca teologica negli anni dal 2005 al 2021, si tratta di opinioni personali e non di una teologia sistematica. Gloria al Padre, al Figlio e allo Spirito Santo, com\'era nel principio, ed ora e sempre, nei secoli dei secoli, AMEN. Dopo una vita di lavoro, stufo della tirannide mondialista e neoliberista che impedisce ormai anche di respirare e disgustato dall\'apostasia in atto nella chiesa cattolica romana, mi schiero SEMPRE e COMUNQUE con la rivoluzione CRISTIANA del vero Cattolicesimo. Per i miei figli e per chi verrà dopo di noi. Grazie di cuore a Fabio di MaryTube per l\'ispirazione che mi ha suscitato. Pregate per me, fratelli e sorelle, e Dio vi benedica e vi protegga sempre! Come disse Martin Luther King Jr: "Potrai anche non essere responsabile della tua situazione ma lo diventerai se non farai nulla per cambiarla".



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