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Poker Glory is the Goal!


I was back to play online mtts in 2015. I've been playing for 2 decades. It's never gone the best it could... Time for a change! I will be Vlogging my start at £1/£2 cash games in London Casinos... Plan to use a very aggressive BRM strategy... There is a live MTT satty on Monday's for £50 bi... It's awards a seat in every day's live MTT in a live Grosvenor's casino including Sunday's £20k gtd £200 BI.... I'll play it when it is financially possible. There is also a £700, £20k GTD on Friday evening at another Grosvenor's casino which I want to play... £100 satties run on previous evenings but I'll only be playing those when I bink some kind of win in a smaller BI mtt... This channel is functional in a few different ways. 1) I gain accountability and a desire to play well not just for myself but to make good videos for this chanel. 2) Building a community that will offer more utility the further down the line we go. 3) Presents a clear deadline. In order to go to the WSOP and play any number of tournaments from 1 upwards, I will most likely need to win a package including flights, hotel and spending. Unless I bink some major wins... I have in mind a bankroll to take to Vegas for mtt buy ins only of £10k-£15k which is $12,994 - $19491.90 (at the time of writing). This will be for something like 1 x $3k buy in, 5 x $1k buy ins, 10 x $500 buy ins that are MTT's or satties... I absolutely will be trying to win a seat into the ME because who wouldn't want to play the main right!? After I've uploaded a few videos and the ball is rolling I will set up more content pages like FB or something similar with more information, goals, ideas & most importantly the community elements to this chanel... The community elements will be along the lines of - Once per week I will host a study session using various study software tools like HRC, a GTO Solver and such like... This will be available to Patron's! Those would be subscribers to my future Patreon page for £$X fee per month.... Also - From the monthly Patreon income I receive I plan to set up a system whereby any winnings are shared with the paying Patrons... It will take into account the total amount donated over the full subscription term and reward fairly... Someone who has paid £5 pcm for 6 months will be entitled to a larger % share of profits than a newbie etc... OK that's over and out for now... Wish me luck!