God Wins


Spiritual Warfare in this Modern age based upon Scripture and the Principles of War. It's important to know how the enemy operates in order to defeat him. I'm a prostate cancer stage 2 survivor, in remission. Radiation treatments made me very weak. I could not workout for six months after treatment because i was just too tired and weak. Over the next year and a half I worked out with weights (Wieder 1500X, very similar to a Bo-Flex) and plateaued at one set of 270 lbs. for 18 months. Then started taking the "Trinity Pack" and "Give me back my Youth" and in 5 months I now do 3 sets of 320 lbs. The Root Brands have made me Healthier and Stronger. For more information please go to https://therootbrands.com/GodWins

God Wins Media


inDeo media Is citizen created content, utilizing data and information from trusted neighbors around the world... inDeo media is built from a network of patriots who are tired the main stream media fake news narratives. inDeo media promises to bring you information. but we can\\\'t always promise that it\\\'s 100% true, but always try to get it right and when we\\\'re wrong, we admit it. We here at inDeo media believe that free speech is an absolute. As always, we encourage all of our subscribers to use the discernment God gave them and do your own research and decide for yourself. As humans we are way too trustworthy verifying double verify. This is opinion news backed up by facts that are in search of God’s Truth! We are always looking to grow our network if you would like to be a correspondent for your area and provide media and feedback for news an event related to your geographic cool location, please email simplificreator@gmail.com Please include your location name contact information. in the event major news breaks out in in your area we asked to be a good neighbor and give us the truth as you see it. Citizens of the world get involved we can\\\'t trust what once was our shepherds but who now are obviously wolves. If you get us the scoop, we\\\'ll get it out to our neighbors. Turn off the TV folks we are the news now!



SUBSCRIBE FOR A COOKIE! Accomplishments - Raised $20,000,000 To Plant 20,000,000 Trees - Given millions to charity - Donated over 100 cars lol - Gave away a private island - Given away over 100 ps4s lol - Gave away 1 million dollars in one video - Counted to 100k - Read the Dictionary - Watched Dance Till You're Dead For 10 Hours - Read Bee Movie Script - Read Longest English Word - Watched Paint Dry - Ubering Across America - Watched It's Every Day Bro For 10 Hours - Ran a marathon in the world's largest shoes - Adopted every dog in a shelter You get the point haha *Do not email me asking for money, I give away money because it makes me happy :)

Wissen Ist Relevant


WIR versteht sich als ein Kanal, dem es darum geht neben der wissenschaftlichen Analyse, vor allem konkrete Lösungen zu den verschiedensten Themen aufzuzeigen. In simplen Worten, die jeder Mensch versteht und damit umsetzen kann. WIR glaubt an den Wandel, denn WIR denkt positiv und weiß, dass der Glaube Berge versetzen kann. Voraussetzung für die Wende in eine allumfassende Nachhaltigkeit, eine enkelfreundliche, aufrichtige Politik ist, dass jeder von uns beginnt zu handeln und sich als Teil eines globalen Teams versteht. Bildung ist der Schlüssel. Fangen WIR an.

B&B: Burchardt & Böttcher - Wir müssen reden


Was ist? Was wird? Was nun? Jeden Sonntag um 5 nach 12 verlängern Matthias Burchardt und Sven Böttcher virtuell euren Frühstückstisch, wundern sich mit euch, was nicht in BILD und FAZ steht und machen sich möglicherweise sogar nützlich. Andernfalls machen sie jedenfalls Spaß. Im Ernst. Pay as you like. Ohne eure Unterstützung kann es B&B nicht geben: IBAN: DE22 2075 0000 0091 1012 20 Name: B+B Sven Böttcher PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/teammensch2021