Debunked Verified


Debunked investigates the world's biggest myths, the misconceptions that so many people still think are facts, the 'What Ifs', 'What Happens When' as well as those niggling problems that may cause some people to stay awake at night ("Have I had too much sugar and caffeine?", "Is it safe to fly?", "What actually happens if throw a penny of the Empire State Building?"). About us: We're a very small team and due to the time and effort that go into our videos we can only make one a month, but we'd love to make more great videos for you to watch, as such we've set up a Patreon page where you can support us and essentially become part of the production team! Patreon: Thanks for your interest and support, Stu and the Debunked Team

COVID-19: An exploration of the science you weren't told about


HERT’s (Health Education and Research Trust) mission is to provide an understandable synthesis of the research on various medical issues for health practitioners and the general public. This may be in the form of PDFs of presentations, videos of presentations, academic publications or letters. Find out more: The Covid 19 Real Science series will cover: - How we were protected against COVID before it ever reached us - Why most of the ‘COVID deaths’ were not due to COVID - The care home scandal - How the truth about COVID transmission was kept from us (making lockdown, masks and Test & Trace pointless) - Why the PCR test probably gave incorrect results - Sweden and how we could have done it differently