NachDenkSeiten - Die kritische Website


NachDenkSeiten – die kritische Website NDS sollen eine gebündelte Informationsquelle für jene sein, die am Mainstream der öffentlichen Meinungsmacher zweifeln und gegen die gängigen Parolen Einspruch anmelden. NDS wollen hinter interessengebundene Kampagnen der öffentlichen Meinungsbeeinflussung leuchten und systematisch betriebene Manipulationen aufdecken. NDS sollen den Prinzipien der sozialen Gerechtigkeit und der Solidarität wieder mehr Geltung verschaffen. NDS wollen für die Einsicht werben, dass für die Mehrheit der Arbeitnehmer gemeinsames Handeln mit Hilfe von Betriebsvertretungen und Gewerkschaften nach wie vor notwendig ist. NDS hinterfragen die modisch gewordene, pauschale Feindseligkeit gegenüber allen staatlichen und öffentlichen Einrichtungen und den dort arbeitenden Menschen. NDS wollen zeigen, dass Kriege zur Lösung von Konflikten nicht geeignet sind und werben für das friedliche Zusammenleben der Völker und für fairen Ausgleich zwischen armen und reichen Ländern.



We are here to expose the lies of the fallen ones, arrest them under Jesus Christ's authority and to bring them to the foot of the throne of our King to be tried!!! 👇👇👇 2 CORINTHIANS 10:4-6 (decoded Greek paraphrase): For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but are powerful in the spirit and utilized for the destruction of fallen angel/occult/illuminati ideologies. We are destroying calculative deceptions and all exaltations of heavenly bodies (sun, moon, stars, planets...and worship, thereof) that attempt to elevate themselves against and above the fame of Yahweh, God and King of all. We are seizing, taking captive, arresting, and exposing every demonic and rebellious deception and place them at foot of the throne of Jesus Christ...our King! We are always ready to defend against and avenge these unto completion and the end of this age!

Abide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.


Abide Fishing: A little fishing, a little travel, a lotta hijinks. The Youtube Fishing community is a crowded field--many of whom take themselves entirely too seriously, but you're not going to find that here. I'm a mediocre fisherman who enjoys traveling around North and South Carolina looking for cool places to launch a kayak...and if I'm lucky, I might even catch a fish or two. Click the subscribe button and come along for the ride. Social Media and Merch:

Psalm 91 Abiding in God's Care - Teaching Series by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. Verified


Pastor Melissa Scott teaches from Faith Center in Glendale, CA. For more of Pastor Scott\\\'s teaching 24x7, visit her website at Call 1-800-338-3030 24x7 to let Pastor Scott know you\\\'ve watched the teaching. She appreciates getting messages from viewers and will often read them during live broadcasts. Follow @Pastor_Scott on Twitter. Download Pastor Scott\\\'s "Understand the Bible" app for iPhone, iPad and iPod at the Apple App Store. Pastor Scott can also be seen on Roku on the "Understand the Bible?" channel. For more information visit

Decoding Side


Revealing the Future of AI and Technology Welcome to Decoding Side, your ultimate destination for exploring the fascinating world of artificial intelligence and tecknology! Our channel delves deep into the latest AI trends and technology, providing insights into cutting-edge AI tools, AI news, and breakthroughs in artificial general intelligence (AGI). We simplify complex concepts, making AI explained in a way that is accessible to everyone. Our content spans a wide range of topics, from technology breakthroughs and AI innovations to in-depth discussions on the ethical implications of artificial intelligence. Our mission is to enlighten, inspire, and inform our audience about the rapidly evolving technology landscape.