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Reporting on the most crucial issues - The Real Raw News for Real Rebels.
Real Raw News tried to bring light to topics often ignored by others. Real Raw News is owned and operated by Michael Baxter, a former mainstream journalist and former English teacher. I can be reached at I delete all trollish email without reading them. All content on Real Raw News is written by Michael Baxter Photographs displayed on are believed to be in the public domain and are used for illustrative reasons only.
Where I Do My News
Put on your seatbelts! I'm here to present the information - You decide what is true. I would recommend starting with Zeitgeist for a short general overview. However, you can't go wrong with any of these choices.
All this Raw or Uncut. Videos for all types of people, from tutorials to just raw uncut fights. Everything need for your video pleasures
Pandemic & Vaccine Related Must See Documentaries
Politics, Covid & The New World Order. Providing Critical World News Updates. Our Mainstream Media Today Is Propaganda And You Can Rely On Them Telling You Lies In Almost Every Case. This Really Is "Need To Know News"
real raw news
Keepin' it Raw by Law, by speaking for Men's Rights Advocacy, Veteran's Help, Men's mental health, current politics, heavy shit talking, and some minor gaming.
'The Ass Whipping Truth'. We expose and explore controversial truths, myths, & theories surrounding the spirit world. We’ve interviewed over 2500 people from around the globe, you’ll find our style to be very entertaining & enlightening with a straightforward, no-nonsense approach to getting to the facts.
Raw Real Word News
2 Corinthians 4:4 ESV In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. I am posting here videos which are very important for those who are seeking the Truth (Jesus Christ) and the truth of what is happening in this crazy upside down world today. I am creating this on Dec. 18, 2021. Please share these important videos with your friends and families so we can cast these seeds of truth far and wide!! And if you don't know the Truth, Jesus, who will set you free to be free indeed, message me and I would love to share how you can know Him, the one who created you to be His own.
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Host "America's Top Ten Countdown" on Real America's Voice TV, Sat Noon ET... daily on Lindell TV at 7 PM ET... daily 6 PM ET on USA Audio.
I am fleeing from YouTube as they are starting to take my material down. I sure hope this place works out. Two strikes and still swinging! #YouTubeExod
This channel is dedicated to TRUTH and REVELATIONS. Follow is you are awake
We are Leaders not followers; providing services to resolve confusions so rampant in our country right now. Complaints w/o action..are you part of the problem or a solution?
A Patriot & Christian Show
Raw Unedited News Segments
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Q DROP DELTAS see new channel
Hello everyone and welcome back to my new Lingerie Try On Haul video with Lounge lingeries! In this video I would like to show you my favourite see through lingerie sets from Lounge underwears!
You decide what is true.
Using movement and the Earth to come back to your true self, your true nature.
This channel is an archived channel of my current show which can be found at Please visit me there and remember to click that "FOLLOW" button!
Streaming Games, play throughs, story lines, having fun and enjoying rich games.
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Manufacturer of Portable Sawmills, Board Edgers, Resaws, Blade Sharpeners, Setters, Bandsaw Blades and more.\r\nMade in the USA\r\
Rated Raw Tv is my reaction channel where I give critical reviews of informative online content, display internet reactions, and bing you all of the latest news in the Entertainment Industry, Celebrities, Music Industry, Relationships, Dating Advice, Podcasts, and Hot Social Media Topics!
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