Citizen News Punditry since November 4th, 2020. These news punditry shows are done by Ash and began after the November 4th, 2020 election. It was his attempt to show others in the future and during his time, that some people stood up during this time and fought for their freedom and that of the world, when our leaders turned on us and tried to implement their "New World Order". Know that some stood tall while others misinformed and profited from these times. Some simply searched for the truth. In a time of lies. All opinions are my own. ***Please share any parts of any videos you want, I claim no copyright, all videos are public use. Thank you friends. I am on UgeTube here: https://ugetube.com/@Theater%20of%20the%20Absurd I will go on with this work as long as I can. Hopefully until mass arrests happen. Update: Some of the links in these videos may have been altered and do not work, please go to my ugetube site to find links that may not work here. Thank You. Ash