A Warrior Calls


One man has come forth with the biggest truth hidden from his fellow man based. on 20 years of investigation work. This one truth will save our world and it is time you all learned WHO you are and WHAT was done to all of us when born. When the people learn what was done... it will then be a global movement to correct and restore the LAW to the people and return trillions of dollars stolen by the Queen, Pope and Central Bankers to every country worldwide. This is the greatest fight of our lives and the PANDEMIC FRAUD surrounding Covid 19... was created by these parasites to fool the world while they usher in a global control/single currency/cashless society [new world order] and strip every man and woman of their rights and property while ushering in mandatory Vaccines that by design will destroy our immune systems as vaccines have been doing since early 80\'s. This evil has been in this world for a very long time but only now our world is learning and seeing the hidden hand that is behind all of this Pandemic lock down every country without firing a single shot that by design will destroy the wealth of the people and enslave all of us to a tyrannical order... this will affect the next 1,000 years if we do NOT stop this all now and fight back. A Warrior Calls [Christopher] has come forth and into the light to fight this evil with truth and also the solution. Go to www.awarriorcalls.com and sign up with your email address and get going on learning WHAT was done to you and the solution for our world to hold all accountable and restore trillions to the people and the real power back to we the people. God Speed

Warrior | Mind Body & Soul Verified


We are a group of Christian men who are unashamedly fighting back. We understand the secular world is demonizing the natural order. The globalists want you to be isolated, fat, sick, ignorant and depressed - the better to control you and milk you for everything your worth while posing zero threat to their regime. There has been a terrifying drop in testosterone and sperm counts. Men and Masculinity as a result have retreated into pathetic spaces. Man Caves...fat men on the couch watching men athletic men having adventures for them while their own kids are being indoctrinated against their own strength.



***Seeking the Truth in a World Seemingly Gone Mad*** WarriorCast explores the broader sociocultural and economic impacts of the mass adoption of emergent technology. We play no favorites and often play Devil’s advocate, so to explore each the Yin and the Yang, the Order and Chaos, the Instruments of Mass Liberation & Near Certain Servitude, that such novel technologies may offer us in the coming years. For the outcome to be Good, True, and Beautiful, we know there must be an apex value schema where at the top rests the Ultimate Sacred built upon shared 1st principals. That we build something meaningful together that inspires awe and delivers opportunity to the 4 corners of the earth. A virtual free marketplace of uncensorable ideas and value creation. We at Citizen Warrior firmly believe that the potential therein may tie humanity together by a social fabric so mighty that its mere existence may mitigate inter-nation state conflict & intra-nation state unrest. The future is bright… or dark as all hell. It is our aim to figure out which is more likely. We hope you enjoy. If not… meh, that's ok, too. #1Love Let’s Begin, - M.