Zé Oswaldo


Quem sou eu: Apenas um engenheiro conservador de direita. Graduado pela Escola Politécnica - USP em Engenharia de Energia e Automação Elétricas e pela Faculdade de Economia e Administração - FEA/USP em Administração. Esse canal começou como repositório-espelho do conteúdo audiovisual veiculado na minha página de Facebook, onde promovia exposição de material político diverso focado para o público conservador. A página no Facebook com +20.000 seguidores foi desativada em decorrência das alterações de algoritmo da plataforma, que reduziu alcance tornando sua operação inviável. Os vídeos que não são total ou parcialmente de minha autoria estão sempre com sua devida origem e créditos mencionados e referenciados. Aceito sugestões. Contato: ze.oswaldo.facebook@gmail.com URL principal: www.zeoswaldo.net



The Mindbody Syndrome Healing Center The TMS Wall of Victory is built upon personal stories of enlightenment that are not simply victories over pain and chronic illness. It means much more. The foundation for a Wall of Victory is built upon victory over darkness, suffering, confusion, fear, the medical industry, and the unknown Self. Everyone who heals has been freed by the "light of awareness," and a deeper understanding of themselves. The Truth heals them, but it must first be sought after, and then accepted.



In 1974, Don Waldoch created a vision to provide families with a lifestyle that would offer safer, more stylish, functional and enjoyable vehicles. Today, Waldoch has grown to become the leading specialist in vehicle conversions--celebrating thousands of vehicles on our nation\'s highways, as well as multiple awards from both Ford and General Motors for quality and customer satisfaction. With the input of industry experts, we are proud to showcase our newest innovations. The world has changed a lot since 1974, but Waldoch is still a family-owned business focused on enhancing your lifestyle. With progressive technology and uncompromised quality, you\'re guaranteed lasting enjoyment and comfort for you many travels and adventures.