Short Fat Otaku


Hi, I'm SFO, and on this channel I make political and philosophical content. There's a lot wrong with the world at the moment, and I don't really have any way to affect political change other than making videos on pertinent topics, so I'll do what I can. My political position is a moderate liberal-conservative type - I believe that free western capitalist democracy is the best political system we have, and that it's under attack from all sides, from SJWs, from religious extremism, from radical feminism, from identitarianism, from both progressivism and regressivism, from extremism from all ends of the political spectrum. If you're expecting me to either be alt-right, or side with social justice, you're going to be very disappointed. ----- I have a P.O. Box! Mail me your junk! Devo SFO P.O. Box 21011 Lockerby Post Office Sudbury, Ontario, Canada Postal Code: P3E 6G6

🌟🌟Preach Be A Voice Not An Echo🌟🌟


🌟🌟Censored on Youtube🌟🌟 \nYouAreUnmasked See Why it Cut to their Hearts... Listen In!!\n\nUncovered and Unmasked One by One... Two by Two, Family by Family and All those who have Chosen to follow the Party of Death....Yet Say you Belong to the One Who is LIFE... WOE!\nTHE DIVIDED LINE.....\n\n#YouAreUnMasked #JudgementOfTheDivideWillFollow\n#WaitForIt\n\n🌟🌟Apostle & Seer Shawntrell Davis🌟🌟\n\nThe Lion has Roared..Who can But Fear?...\n The Lord has Spoken...I can But Prophesy!\n\n"I Prophesy to the Perplexities and Give the Practicalities!"\n\nThe "GOD-With" Ministry\n"Not Inspirational Speaking, But Word-Based Preaching!"\n\nTRUTHALITY! \nFacts are Temporal Truth is Eternal! What is real? The TRUTH that, Nothing is too hard for God! \n\nPreach Be a Voice Not an Echo\n\n\nTwitter@Preach_BA_Voice\nInstagram:\nFacebook:\nPinterest:\nYoutube Channel:\\n\nRumble Link:\n\n\n\nPreach Be A Voice Not An Echo\nRumble Link:\n\nTo Sow into this Ministry\nMail to: Shawntrell Davis\n P.O. BOX 30392\n Clarksville, TN 37042\nCashApp: $KingdomStewardDavis\nPayPal: or\n\nThomas Emmanuel Davis III\nApostle & Seer Shawntrell Davis\nAmbassadors of the Word of Reconciliation\nFollowers of "The Way"\n\nDistributors of the Revelation!\nDistributors of the Truth!\nDistributors of the Release!\n\nS.H.I.F.T\nSuddenly Heaven Invades Forcing Transformation!!\n\n#YesLordIWill #CryLoudAndSpareNot #TheLordMyGodIsWithMe #PartakersofHisGlory #FortifiedBrazenWall #Repent #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHand\n\nLet the Lord be Magnified! Announcing the Coming of the Glorious Kingdom of God!\n\n2 Corinthians 5:20(KJV)\n20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ\'s stead, be ye reconciled to God.\n