Rasmussen Reports
14,491 FollowersIndependent, accurate, and transparent public opinion polling.
Independent, accurate, and transparent public opinion polling.
Campaign account for Rand Paul for US Senator from Kentucky.
Collection of messages from MoS
Host Dr. Rev. Michael Thiessen sits down with guests to talk about faith, freedom, politics, and culture.
Living the peaceful parenting dream. Join me on Telegram: https://t.me/stevenfranssen Buy the new video series: https://bit.ly/3yeSKYL PAYWALL: https://stevenfranssen.gumroad.com/l/AHBj Buy new book The End of Female Evil: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BGNKSWKJ
Conservative Christian News and Opinion
Mein Name ist Nicole Hammer und ich habe es mir zur Aufgabe gemacht, hinter den Bühnenvorhang zu schauen; Weltbilder zu durchleuchten; Themen anzusprechen, die nicht Mainstream sind und mit meinem Fragen - Werkzeugkasten, der Wahrheit auf die Spur zu kommen. Wissensgeist informiert über folgende Themen: Politik und Wissenschaft.
Anons and Autists world wide, bringing you deep discussion and analysis of the current Z War for the future of Mankind.
Live streaming, checkout the other DissenterNet channels for edited videos.
Welcome to our travels on SV Imagine as we prepare and ready for our blue water sailing around the world while assisting current missionaries on post to bring relief, supplies, and always Jesus Christ to the world. Proverbs 16:9 is our bible verse for our adventure and our works to come stay tuned and enjoy as we grow and go.
Chasing Dissent Is The Brainchild of John and Benn, News, Politics, Comedy.
The official international Rumble channel of the Essence of Time movement.
WIR versteht sich als ein Kanal, dem es darum geht neben der wissenschaftlichen Analyse, vor allem konkrete Lösungen zu den verschiedensten Themen aufzuzeigen. In simplen Worten, die jeder Mensch versteht und damit umsetzen kann. WIR glaubt an den Wandel, denn WIR denkt positiv und weiß, dass der Glaube Berge versetzen kann. Voraussetzung für die Wende in eine allumfassende Nachhaltigkeit, eine enkelfreundliche, aufrichtige Politik ist, dass jeder von uns beginnt zu handeln und sich als Teil eines globalen Teams versteht. Bildung ist der Schlüssel. Fangen WIR an.
The WarRoom Posse investigating the Pfizer documents that were sealed for 75 years from scrutiny, until a Texas Judge ruled that they be released
This channel is part of the growing Bird Clan Messenger social media network supporting our work in announcing and teaching about this time of prophecy of all Nations. Teaching Traditional wisdom and medicine, teachings of our Elders from our different cultures, lots of DAOWGS and a dash of politics from a Conservative Perspective. Deepest thanks to my longtime partner in crime, The Salty Cracker and his Army of BerzerkerDAOWGS - who are truly the light of the world. -- SP99
Was ist? Was wird? Was nun? Jeden Sonntag um 5 nach 12 verlängern Matthias Burchardt und Sven Böttcher virtuell euren Frühstückstisch, wundern sich mit euch, was nicht in BILD und FAZ steht und machen sich möglicherweise sogar nützlich. Andernfalls machen sie jedenfalls Spaß. Im Ernst. Pay as you like. Ohne eure Unterstützung kann es B&B nicht geben: IBAN: DE22 2075 0000 0091 1012 20 Name: B+B Sven Böttcher PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/teammensch2021
Tips and Explanations on problems connected to the Spiritual World. I have 30+ Years Experience in Spiritual Healing. Break Black Magic, Exorcisms, Talismans to help in life situations, and much more! Free black magic check.
The Reformed Dissenters is a show that offers a faith-based dissenting view on politics and our modern world. We believe that God should be at the center of everything we do and that His principles are greater than all the lofty ideals of man. We want our show to be informative, thought-provoking, and above all; God-centered. As dissenters against popular ideas of government and culture, we want to provide you with the resources you need to do your own research. Ultimately, we want you, the listener, to walk away with new information and new things to study both in the word of God and the principled literature we read on the show every month. Don’t forget to send us an email and subscribe if you like the show!
This channel is dedicated to healing on all realms - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It follows no particular niche or trend as life is a journey with lessons to be learned which cannot be categorised. Sometimes these lessons can be hard ones and leave us with trauma, wounds and addictions which we need to heal from. Although I created the channel, this channel is not about me. It’s the message that is important not the messenger. If the videos on here help only one person, then the journey is worth continuing. As human beings, we have lost our way and our path over many years and have become further and further detached from our spiritual and true selves. We are all connected, including animals and plants and we all have to live together in peace and harmony and with respect and love for one another. If this isn’t for you, then that’s fine and thank you for visiting. If it is for you, then you are most welcome here. Let’s focus on what unites for inclusion whilst eliminating what divides for isolation and let’s do this together. Love, Light and Healing to All. Xx
Techno Possession in the Rumble On this platform I will only post the sets from the Exorcism playlist For the full content of our work, visit our YouTube channel If you like our work, support us :: https://ko-fi.com/TechnoPossession Thank you
We are now standing on the threshold of great and solemn events. A crisis is before us, such as the world has never witnessed. Eternity stretches before us. The curtain is about to be lifted. Our purpose for existence as a ministry is to prepare a people to stand true to God when judgment shifts from the dead to the living at the passing of a National Sunday Law. "God's purpose in giving the third angel's message to the world is to prepare a people to stand true to Him during the investigative judgment. This is the purpose for which we establish and maintain our publishing houses, our schools, our sanitariums, hygienic restaurants, treatment rooms, and food factories. This is our purpose in carrying forward every line of work in the cause." {1MR 228.2} Get ready! Get ready! Get ready! For more present truth visit us: https://www.mopt.co.za/
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