Jedediah Bila LIVE Verified


Jedediah Bila Live - A social commentary podcast on dating and politics that doesn't hold back! New Episodes LIVE Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 1pm EST. Subscribe to the JB LIVE community: About the show: Welcome to a free-speech zone where dating, politics, and hot debate come to life. Join former television host Jedediah Bila as she unravels what’s broken in the dating game, tackles the dangers of modern feminism, and exposes The System’s multifaceted, hazardous agenda. Known for her fearless commentary and passion for freedom and free-thinking minds, Jedediah digs into such topics as “toxic” masculinity, the modern feminist agenda, big-government tyranny, how men and women are different, the dangers of pornography, societal neutering of men, and the problem with a culture of promiscuity. She holds women, men, and political elites accountable in her signature no-bullsh*t style. She stands up for liberty, personal responsibility, and traditional values, rallying against The System’s desire for an increasingly weak, puppeteered, entitled culture. And she does it all in a combination of solo and interview-style shows that are sure to get you thinking and fired up to join the conversation. Follow Jedediah on social media: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Locals: Rumble: Pick up a copy of Jedediah’s books: Dear Hartley: Outnumbered: To reach the Valuetainment team, send an email to:

Al Descubierto con Elina Villafañe


Te presentamos las principales noticias, informes profundos y veraces del mundo. En el programa Al Descubierto con Elina Villafañe, y el equipo de reporteros investigan temas que otros medios de comunicación pasan por alto o evitan. Nos dedicamos a buscar la verdad, basando todo lo que decimos en hechos para evitar que el público esté mal informado y sea engañado. Una sociedad bien informada es la piedra angular de una democracia floreciente. En nuestra sala de redacción y en nuestros reportajes, nos comprometemos a ser honestos, respetuosos y compasivos. The Epoch Times es un retorno al periodismo auténtico y tradicional.

Cis White Male with Extra Privilege


YouTube - Odysee - archive. org - Bitchute - DONATE HERE IF YOU APPRECIATE THE CONTENT - "And just how," the mongoose demanded scornfully of the serpent, "do you propose to climb Mount Kailash, the home of Lord Siva? You who have neither arms nor hands, neither feet nor toes with which to grip the precipices?" "Very slowly," the serpent replied. "Carefully. Coiling back and forth upon my belly, over a rock here, up through a crevice there. I shall get there in the end, you know." The mongoose snorted in derision. But in his heart he suspected the serpent spoke truly. - Indian fable

Homes Around The Villages, FL - With Ira Miller


Ira has worked in The Villages area for over 20 years. He worked for the developer of The Villages for 8 and a half years before moving on to ERA/Grizzard Realtors. In those 20 years Ira has sold over 700 homes mostly in The Villages but since joining ERA/Grizzard he has sold and listed homes outside of The Villages as well. Ira\\\'s philosophy is to give the best customer service that anyone can provide in Real Estate; that is number one. Anyone can sell a home but following up with folks, calling people back and going above and beyond the call of duty whether with his listings or servicing buying clients is what it is all about for Ira. Ira doesn\\\'t just have buying clients, he sells homes to friends that started out as clients. So give him a call; you\\\'ll have a friend in Real Estate.