What Up Ian! Verified


Remember to Subscribe and +1 Rumble. Thanks! ————————————————————————— I stream exclusively on Rumble because I believe that a #FreeSpeech platform such as Rumble will overtake the #CancelCulture platforms in the coming years. I do not get very political in my stream, but I do not want to be silenced for stating truths of the #Bible. Soon, a day will come that #christian streamers will be banned from mainstream platforms for not denying biblical truths, no matter how much we explain it with love from Christ. 1 Timothy 6 ————————————————————————— For partnerships and collaborations please send me an email at ian@whatupian.com or direct message me on Twitter. ————————————————————————— SOCIAL: Locals: https://whatupian.locals.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/What_Up_Ian Truth Social: https://www.truthsocial.com/whatupian

FreedomMovement Verified


To those of you who are still living in denial about what's happening in America, or who just want to "go along to get along" with this slow-motion coup détat that we've been witnessing; to all of the sheeple who don't have enough courage to draw your own, personal line of freedom in the sand, I want you to know one thing: those who passively accept and cooperate with evil are every bit as much to blame for its continued existence as those who actually perpetrate the evil. So, go right ahead. Crouch down and kiss the heavy hand of Totalitarianism that pats your head right now. History proves that it will one day crush you.

A Walk With the Lord - Vigilance in the End Times


Our work and the information we share is dedicated to our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST https://awalkwiththelord.com If you want to purchase A Walk With the Lord Ministry Merchandise and guide others to receiving the free gift of Salvation, we receive no kickback from sales: https://a-walk-with-the-lord-ministry.creator-spring.com/ FAIR USE NOTICE Our videos may contain copyrighted material; the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of religious, spiritual, conspiratorial, current events, historical, educational, environmental, financial, political, human rights, economic, democratic, scientific, social justice, or other issues. This constitutes 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of U.S. Copyright Law. Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes of advancing the understanding of religious, spiritual, conspiratorial, current events, historical, educational, environmental, financial, political, human rights, economic, democratic, scientific, social justice, or other issues, is not an infringement of any US Copyright Law.

Vigilant One


Ultimately, we are here for discovering and sharing alternative biblical based ideals on modern life, media, and politics. Be vigilant. The world is spiraling faster and faster down the toilet bowl. Right now, Christianity isn’t something that anyone wants to hear about or even be a part of. I’m speaking up. Christians are typically pacifists. That doesn’t mean we let everyone get away with this. I’m here to also empower you, as a Christian. You should be able to speak up with confidence in a large group and know that you are right, not just spiritually, but also scientifically. We are called to be in this world, not OF the world. That means we need to see what garbage is going on and not take part in said garbage. We can’t just stand back and watch the garbage pile up either. We NEED to do something. I am here to help you see how awful our society, media, and entertainment have become. Think of me as a journalistic pastor, of sorts. Let me show you how horrible the world truly is.

Locked In with Ian Bick podcast


In the journey of life, we all stumble, make mistakes, and encounter failures. Yet, the decision to rise above these challenges and let them fuel our determination is what truly defines us. Ian Bick invites you to explore the experiences of a diverse array of individuals, including former prison inmates, recovering addicts, law enforcement officers, lawyers, and people from various walks of life. Discover how these individuals navigated real peril, wrestled with depression, and battled self-doubt, ultimately emerging stronger through their triumphant journeys. These are the stories that will captivate your heart and inspire you to change your life.