Patriotic American Vietnam War Navy Veteran, Retired 21 Followers Living in the Sierra Nevada foothills near Grass Valley, California Verified
Music Tribute To Vietnam Veterans 2 Followers Every time I hear a song from the Vietnam war era, I'm reminded of what veterans had to deal with when they got back home to America. I will never forget what you had to go through during the Vietnam war. I grew up in the 1970s and watched the horror of the war on TV with my Daddy (he served during the Korean war). I saw him hold back tears when he watched those new stories about the war. When ya'll came home, I was shocked how terrible the American people treated you. They spit on you and screamed horrible words in your faces. I personally know vets who told me their stories and the horror that ya'll had to deal with in that damn jungle. I know that many of you didn't want to go fight, but you were forced to by the draft. Yet, you had an opportunity to escape to another country, but you went anyway, fighting against the evil of communism. Your sacrifice is greatly appreciated. God bless you and yours for your service and sacrifice.