Klartext im O-Ton


Dieser Kanal ist eine private Initiative von Christen in Österreich. Wir möchten hiermit einen Beitrag leisten, um eine sachliche Auseinandersetzung rund um das Thema "Corona" zu fördern.\\n \\nDabei ist uns das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung sehr wichtig. Wir nehmen es für uns selbst in Anspruch, und wollen es auch den Personen zugestehen, mit denen wir Interviews führen. Die Inhalte der Kommentare müssen nicht zwangsweise mit unserer persönlichen Meinung übereinstimmen.\\n\\n▶️ Folgt uns auf Telegram:\\nhttps://t.me/klartextimotn

Nicki & James in El Salvador


Tune in to hear about what we have done this past week. We share the awesome things we do with Bitcoin Lightning in El Salvador. *My First Bitcoin English Diploma* https://github.com/MiPrimerBitcoin?tab=repositories English: https://github.com/MiPrimerBitcoin/Bitcoin-Diploma-English-Version/blob/main/MiPrimerBitcoin_BitcoinDiploma_EnglishVersion_2023.pdf Spanish: https://github.com/MiPrimerBitcoin/Diplomado_v3.0/blob/main/Mi%20Primer%20Bitcoin%20-%20Libro%20de%20Trabajo%20(V3.0)%20-%20FINAL.pdf **Donate** https://geyser.fund/project/miprimerbitcoin https://miprimerbitcoin.io/en/donate/ *WATCH US HERE* Rumble: https://rumble.com/njelsalvador YouTube: https://youtube.com/njelsalvador *BUY OUR EBOOK - One-way Ticket to El Salvador* Easy to read book with all the links, phone numbers, websites and tips that will save you time and money when moving to El Salvador. Book a one-on-one video call with us and ask any personal questions you might have. https://www.njelsalvador.com/ebook/ DISCOUNT CODE: YTLIVE *NEWSLETTER* Signup to go in the monthly draw for a free 45min call with us. https://njelsalvador.substack.com *RECOMMENDED READING* Books we like to share https://www.njelsalvador.com/books/ *BITCOIN LIGHTNING⚡️ TIP ADDRESSES* https://geyser.fund/profile/1957 ⚡️ https://pay.bbw.sv/njelsalvador ⚡️ https://getalby.com/njelsalvador ⚡️njelsalvador@pay.bbw.sv ⚡️njelsalvador@getalby.com ⚡️njelsalvador@walletofsatoshi.com *T-SHIRTS* My First Bitcoin: https://btcpay.miprimerbitcoin.io/apps/kj6P8e39dAQER7gLYPD8Sx1B9Z9/pos Bukele Shop: https://bukele-shop.creator-spring.com/ *FOLLOW US* https://vida.page/njelsalvador https://twitter.com/njelsalvador https://instagram.com/njelsalvador *SERVICES WE USE* BitRefill - Pay Bills - https://www.bitrefill.com/signup?code=2tcqjkte Bitwage - Wages to Bitcoin - https://app.bitwage.com?referse=AsAGLW SwanBitcoin - DCA into Bitcoin - https://swanbitcoin.com/jamesturnernz Strike - Buy Bitcoin - https://invite.strike.me/TNVAYL Vida - Profile Link Service - https://vida.page/?ref=njelsalvador #njelsalvador #njes #bitcoin #elsalvador #LightningNetwork #live #livestream #vlog

MotorCityChief Live


Sign up for Rumble today! https://rumble.com/register/MotorCityBrent/ www.t.me/QueensLair www.t.me/MotorCityChief @MotorCityBrent & @QueenJ0sephine created a Telegram feed in April 2021. From the passion that went into our Telegram channel/ Chat, we are now expanding our platforms! We stream exclusively on Rumble! We play Halo: CE to Reach as well as GTAV: Online. At or around the 10th year anniversary of GTAV we started playing. Link up on the Queens Lair Guilded server to collaborate with us! https://www.guilded.gg/i/kbGZa3vp Brought to you by BLDG7