Siewcy Prawdy Verified


Jeśli podoba Ci się to, co robimy i treści, jakie dla Ciebie publikujemy, wesprzyj nas. Twórcy kanału poświęcają temu projektowi większość swojego czasu, szukając wyjątkowych gości oraz materiałów. Bez Waszej pomocy po prostu przestaniemy istnieć. Dane do donacji tytułem DAROWIZNA: PayPal: Z Polski: Monika Tyszczak 82 1140 2004 0000 3902 6085 8218 Z zagranicy: Monika Tyszczak PL82 1140 2004 0000 3902 6085 8218 Numer BIC: BREXPLPWMBK

The Patriots Prayer Podcast Verified


The Patriots Prayer podcast is a show hosted by a The Patriot who is a Christian conservative who is unafraid and unfiltered when it comes to discussing controversial or difficult topics. The Patriot values the principles of right and wrong over political affiliations, and is willing to tackle issues that others may avoid. Additionally, the host practices tolerance and is willing to agree to disagree, fostering a respectful dialogue around important issues. Listeners can expect thought-provoking discussions on a range of topics, from politics and social issues to faith and morality. The show aims to promote a more nuanced understanding of complex issues, while encouraging mutual respect and understanding. The Trump Token America's cryptocurrency! Visit Smokin Gun Coffee Get your coffee fix at and use Discount Code 'MOTHER' for savings. Operation Blackout Prepare for the unexpected at Operation Blackout. Final Famine Stock up on emergency food at Final Famine. Famine Fighter Find food supplies at Famine Fighter. Devils Dollar Visit Devils Dollar. Redemption Shield Get 10% off with Code 'Patriot' at