Camping, Hiking and Backpacking Gear reviews


Our goal is to bring you honest in depth reviews on a wide range of gear used in the outdoor recreational industry. Hiking, camping, trekking and prospecting to name a few. We depend on our gear to perform and you should too. Join us as we take a deeper look at cost to quality ratios as well as build quality, materials and features. There is a lot to discover and uncover in the recreational gear world so there is no better time to start then now! Welcome to NoCoast Outfitters on Rumble.

William Baptiste Human Rights and Freedoms Forever!


William Baptiste's Video Channel for his Human Rights and Freedoms Forever! Non-Profit Educational Organization - teaching everyone the key facts of History, Philosophy, Science and Logic which demonstrate where our Human Rights and democratic freedoms (and Science and Medicine) come from so we stop losing them to uneducated 'Creeping Totalitarianism' now accelerating because too many politicians and influential billionaires etc. have ideology instead of education.